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after around five minutes in the elevator, in pure silence, did one of us try to speak.

"h-hi" the other guy said, stuttering.

"hello" i replied awkwardly.

"are y-you ne-w to t-the building-g?" he asked, stuttering more than when he said one word.

"yeah i just moved in a couple days ago..." i replayed, in as much of a voice i could muster.

"coo-l" he said, voice cracking at the end of the word.

the small space was left, filled with an awkward silence, with the occasional shift from me and my aching butt, which still hurt from the small fall i had earlier.

"are you uncomfortable?" he asks, seemingly more comfortable speaking.

"...no...my- i'm just- well you see-" i cut myself off, before i could say anything to embarrass myself.

"what happened? are you okay?" he responds, sounding worried.

"yeah, i'm fine, it's just- it's embarrassing" i whispered, not knowing what else to say.

"you're in pain from falling" he said, scooting slightly closer to me. i don't know what to say so i just looked down, the blood rushing to my face. luckily the dark hid the blush pretty well.

"maybe" i whispered, hoping it wasn't audible. he seemed to hear me cause he chuckled and moved in front of me, sitting cross legged.

"i'm chan, bang chan" he said, i could vaguely make out his expression, seeing that our knees were touching in the small size of the elevator.

"jeongin, yang jeongin" i replied, still staring at my hands that were now cusped together in my lap. this was awkward, i'm not very good when it comes to meeting people, especially attractive people.

"you've met my roommate i think, seungmin?" he says after a minute if more awkward silence. the name sounding vaguely familiar until i remember the other day when he helped me with my keys.

"yeah...he helped me the other day, i dropped my keys and some groceries, he also apologized for the noise, which i don't mind" i stated, this time a bit more confident.

"wow, that's the most you've said to me" he says, giggling a little. what a great sound. i chuckled a bit at his response and heard him mumble something under his breath, but didn't catch what it was.

"what was that?" i asked, now curious.

"oh, nothing, just talking to myself, that's less embarrassing" he says, whispering the last part, although i still heard it. he was smiling at me and i couldn't help but smile back.

"your smile is breathtaking" i spoke my thoughts unintentionally, only knowing i did, when i could make out his eyes going wide in the dark.

"t-thank you" chan said, shyly.

"i-i mean- uhhh" i was dumbfounded, and unable to finish my mumbling cause he cut me off

"so is yours" he said, still smiling.

since my eyes had adjusted to he dark, i figured chan's had to, so he could probably make out the heat rushing to my face and me looking back down at my hands.

suddenly he moves closer, lifting my chin up. i had an internal panic (at the disco) when he stopped and stared into my eyes for a minute before speaking.

"you're eyes are just as breathtaking as i thought they'd be, possibly even more than i imagined" he spoke just above a whisper, tempting me with his soothing voice.

"your voice is soothing" i replied, because that's what i was thinking at the moment.

Trapped || JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now