Can we Talk?

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Hay guys, I'm back. Sorry i haven't been posting. A lot has been happening lately. Anyways here is a new chapter for all of you. Like i said before i will try and keep some of the things that happened in season 6 the same. So here it is.

Hope you like!!!

From last Chapter

"I didn't do anything really. But it wasn't easy to make him open up at first. He was wanting to um... kill himself a week or so into being with Haggar saying that you guys didn't care and stuff. That he almost got you guys killed and a lot of other things like that." Lotor paused as we walked into the room picking up Ava while Pidge picked up Leah. "But then I found out he waspart galra and made him drink a potion to bring out his galra genes more then his human ones. Then it turned out he was mate and the last omega male. I fell in love with him. At long after that I asked him to be my boyfriend. He said yes and everything in the world was right at the moment." Lotor was smiling looking into his babies eyes.

For this Chapter

"He was and still is my everything. And Haggar has taken that from me. I will get him back no matter what." For the rest of the hour Pidge and Lotor were silent. The only sound was the twins giggling and making random noises.

Keith's P.O.V

It's like it's happening all over again. I'm in the cold dark cell. Nothing but torn cloths. The low hum of the ships engine filling the soundless air. Even the smell was vile. Nothing like the once warm bed that me and my mate shared. No this was different then that. No arms rapped around me or blankets covering me from toes to neck, nothing was the same and it was a lonely feeling. And the worst about it is that my family isn't here. My two little twins in me and Lotor's arms giggling and playing with our hair and anything they can get their hands on. I miss everything, and lately I have been unable to keep track of how long I have been here for. All I know is that it has to have been a week already. I miss my family and friends so much, and with each passing day that goes by I grow weaker and weaker from the lake of food and water given out. And I have yet to find out who has taken me here. Well not until now.

The door opens and in comes two soldiers with guns. As the light blinds me I try and stay back away from them. I see them grow painfully closer one of them gives the other their gun and come snear to me. Since I'm chained to the wall I can't move away from the man approaching me. He reaches me unchaining me from the wall and putting on some cuffs. He yanks me up dragging me out of the room with the other behinds ups. They lead me down a long hall way with purple lighting. We came up to these big doors and they slide open revealing Haggar and Sendak.

"Hello Paladin. Nice to see you again." Haggar spoke.

Author's P.O.V

"Hay Lotor?" Lance walked into the kitchen to find Lotor by himself thinking. Lotor looked his way. "Do you think I could talk to about something that has been bothering me lately?"

"Of course. What is it that I can help you with?" Lotor patted the seat next to him for Lance to sit. "Is there something wrong?"

"Well I guess you could say that... it's about Shiro. He hasn't, well been acting like normal. Before you took Keith he well- he yelled at Keith. And he would never do that unless telling him to do something in battle. But before he was taken or vanished or whatever happened to him to go missing he would always keep his cool and never yell unless needed to. And he really didn't need to when he yelled at Keith that one day."

"Why was he yelling in the first place?" Lotorasked.

"Well Keith was late for a mission and after we got back Shiro was saying stuff like you either pick us or the Blade. As he was yelling at Keith I was trying to stop him but he kept yelling. Right before Keith left saying fine saying he would leave, I saw at least one tear drop from his face. When I saw that he left without another word and left. A little while after I told him I saw Keith cry and he ran after him. But still yelling at Keith is not something he would do."

"Why do you say he wouldn't yell at him?"

"Because... Shiro had a crush on him at the time." Lotor's eyes widen. "Shiro never told Keith because he knew Keith saw him as a brother not a lover. And to be honest at that time since I met him really, I have liked him as well. I fought with him to get his attention. And then we became friends though voltron. After he left Hunk was there for me. And I found I was crushing on his as well."

"Wow. I knew Keith was good looking but I never thought he was that good looking for two guys to fall for him."Lotor smiled a little.

"He never saw us as a love interest but as a family. Like brothers." Lance and Lotor were both smiling as they thought of the half human.

Okay this is It For now. I will try and get the another chapter up soon. Love you guys.

Until Next Time My Dudes!!! Anime Anything Out!!!! BYE BYE!!!!!

Words: 976

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