It's started

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Hay guys, i hope you are doing good, and i hope you are doing better now that i have a new chapter coming your way right now. I'm sorry it took so long but here is then next chapter of the book.

Enjoy and happy Halloween!!!

Lotor P.O.V

I want to find him it's so hard without him here next to me. Pidge, Lance and Allura have been a big help with the twins but they can't replace their mother, my love. Without Keith here the twins have been fussy and not as happy as they were before. So we have to get him back no matter what. I cant just sit here and wait for the others to come back with the one I love, the mother of my children. So that's why I have to go out there and go with them Allura and Coran will take the twins while the others and I go out to the follow the lead. Hopefully we can find him before something really bad happens to him. We're hoping the lead doesn't end up being a fake. I don't know what I'll do if I can't find him on time. I can't just let everything pass by with the twins growing up with out Keith here, they need him, we need to be a full family again. The bad and good that comes with it and all in between it. I don't care if we have to go though hell and back as long as we are a happy family with two beautiful girls, a mother and a father. The time we spent together when Keith was here with us after the twins birth, those were some of the happiest times of my life. I don't want them to be ripped from my hands again.

But until then I need to stay strong and be here for the twins as much as they need me I need them. I need to be a good father and be there for them, to put them to sleep and tuck them into there beds. Love then and cherish them not matter the circumstance. But I will find him.

2 Month's later Keith's P.O.V

It's getting close, I don't have much time before my heat hits. Haggar said she would help me once the third moth hits. She'll take me straight to Lotor when I start to get the symptoms but I don't think that this will work. She can only come in here now and then but she had come yesterday and I think that something is wrong. When I had my first heat I was in some pain and asleep, there was no way for me to even know how my heat is going to work. I don't know if its coming or if I'm nervous. I need to get out of here no matter what.If not I might not be able to handle whats to come next. What if another alpha comes walking by and I'm in my heat and he smells me?Will he come in here and take me then and there? Or will he spare me?Will there be many to come in here and just rape me with out mercy?Will they leave me alone?

Then the door opens. And in walks Haggar with no one with her. "H-Haggar?... I need your help."

"I know I can smell you from down the hall your lucky that all the guards are at the ring right now or else you would have been a goner by now." she comes closer and picks me up holding me in her arms as she walks out into the hall and teleported to the the loading decks,when I look around there is not one but is and the few ships. She walks over to one that was small and sets me down on the floor of the ship and closes the door just before a shot fires towards us. She quickly gits to flying out of here with me feeling feverish, hot and bothered.

"L-Lotor~" my stomach curls in and the heat gets worse. "I n-need Lotor-"

"I know, I know I'm going as fast as I can will be there in a little while. Just hang on until then." Haggar looks back at me for a moment then keeps her eyes locked on the screen. Until finally getting a beep on the monitor. I look out the window to see a bright and blue castle come into view.

Okay that's all i'm doing for now so i hope you guess liked. If you have any ideas of what to do then send me a message and I'll add it in. thanks and have a wonderful day/night.

Until Next Time My Dudes!!! Keith Anime Anything Out!!!! BYE BYE!!!!!

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