I'm back

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Hay guys. Hope you all are good, because I'm good and happy😊. Anyways here's a new chapter for you all. Hope you enjoy.

Keith's POV

As the castle cam into view my heat started to get worse causing me to almost yell and scream in pain. Haggar got a com up saying something and made sure that they could see me. I looked up and saw Lotor with large eyes and a baby in hand it was Leah. I try for a smile but pain spiked up my spine as the need for attention increased.
"Come in." Was the last thing said before we zoomed to docking bay. We landed on the plat form the doors opened to see them all rushing to the ship Lotor being in the lead. So I tried to get up and stumble down the two steps with the help of Haggar. When I finally got a step away from the ship Lotor's arms incaged me in a bear hug and he pulled me close. This caused me to moan.
"Lotor. He's in heat." Haggar informed him. And as if a switch was turned on in him he sweeped me off my feet.
"Pidge can you take care of the twins I need to do something. Hunk I'll come down to the kitchen to go something to eat for him in about two hours. For now I need to... Do something" he quickly made his way to my room or its ours now. The intence heat coming from my body made it hard to think striaght (if that was possible).
"L-Lotor~... I n-need you~." The door to out room opened and we made our way in closing and locking the door behind up as he made his way not to the bed but to the bathroom. He set me on my feet helping me out of my clothes and takes off his own starting the shower. We stepped into the spray of the water and he leaned down kissing me roughly pressing me against the wall of the shower. This causes me to moan out as a darker Red appears on my checks. My hands make there way to Lotors neck pulling him closer to me. I feel his hard-on against mine as we rub together.
"Jump." So I do right into his arms against the wall with him kissing my neck and holding me up by my ass. I can feel his hard on against my thigh and my breath hitches when the feeling of a figinger up my ass consumes me with pleasure and pain. The whole world around me seemed to stop and nothing else mattered in that moment. Soon I am lifted off of the wall and the water is turned off. Cold air hits my bare skin as we walk about of the steamy bathroom into our bedroom. With the lights off I couldnt see every well but with the way Lotor was bitting my neck and teasing my hole I didnt care. I only want him. I want him in me. I want to be connected with him. I dont only want but also need him.

Sorry guys but thats all for today ive been vary busy but things are looking up. Hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Until I can write again.

Until Next Time My Dudes!!! Keith Anime Anything Out!!!! BYE BYE!!!!!

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