Treasure Hunt | Nine

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The snow outside of my doctor's office was nearly up to my shins, and I struggled making it from Loran's SUV to the front door, which there probably wasn't even ten feet in between. I had officially been moved in for a week, and since I was supposed to be on bed rest, that meant I couldn't drive. And Loran was pretty determined to make sure that I was following what my doctor said.

It was just the two of us in the waiting room, aside from the women behind the window. I signed my name on the clipboard and then sat next to Loran.

And thankfully, my name was called just a few minutes later. She ushered us inside of a room and then took me to be weighed and have my other stats taken. I'd gained a few pounds since the last time I was here, but that was really the only thing to change. Finally, she took me back to the room with Loran.

"I can tell you're uncomfortable." He stood next to me as I sat up on the bed.

"I'm fine, I'm just nervous." I just felt awkward. This was the first time Loran had actually come back here with me, normally he waited in the waiting room. And I was still embarrassed about being the only boy to be pregnant here.

"Sorry about that."

I didn't say anything, instead just forced a smile. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I sighed.

"How are we feeling today?" Dr. Astani walked in, a large smile on her face.

"I've been better and I've been worse," I swallowed the lump in my throat.

She chuckled at that, but turned to Loran as she noticed him. "Magdalena Astani," She offered her hand to him.

"Loran," He nodded, shaking her hand. "I'm the dad for all intents and purposes."

"Welcome, welcome," She washed her hands and then sat down in front of me. "So, let's just recap really fast, I know your last appointment was a little while ago," she said as she went through a folder with my name on it. "So, last time, we did a quick ultrasound, made sure that baby looked good and I sent you on your way with some pictures and bed rest. Have you been staying off of your feet?"


"Is he actually?" She turned to look at Loran, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"For the most part."

"I told you, strict bed rest. Only to get out of bed for bathroom and that was it." She raised a stern brow at me.

"I know, I know," I sighed. "I just recently moved so I'm having a hard time adjusting and all that. But I'll start staying in bed."

"Good. That's what I like to hear. With this being such a high risk pregnancy, we can't take any chances of you going into labor on your own."

"How come?" Loran questioned, sitting forward on his chair.

"His birth canal is extremely narrow, and very under developed, the baby would almost certainly get stuck. And if baby get stuck, that's putting not just the baby in harm's way, but Dalton, too. And we want to avoid any kind of trouble. We want a nice, smooth C-Section right at thirty weeks."

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