Treasure Hunt | Seventeen

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"Well. We're here." I placed the jeep in park, turning the key to kill the engine. I undid my seatbelt but made no actual attempt to move.

"Dal," Loran nudged me, speaking quietly. I looked over at him, making a small noise to let him know I was listening. "You okay?"

I gave a slight hesitation before nodding. Loran didn't seem too convinced.

"Daddy," The grogginess of her voice proved she had woken up from her short car ride nap. "Where are we?"

My throat fell dry as I looked out, seeing into the backyard, the paint chipped, rust covered swing set still back there. I could also see a few children running around, playing. My nieces and nephews. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. "Grandma's and Grandpa's house."

"This isn't Nana's and Papa's," Her little voice almost sounded worried.

"No, Treasure, Daddy's parents."

"Daddy has parents, too?"

"Duh," Zach scoffed, and I could almost imagine him rolling his eyes.

"Zachary." Loran scolded him.

"Sorry." Our son mumbled.

It was a valid question, though. I never talked about them up or brought them up. I don't think I even had a single picture of any of them. T had asked about my side of the family a few times, but I told her it was a topic she'd understand better when she was older.

"Help your sister out of the car." He grumbled, but obliged without saying anything else. Nobody would open their door until I did.

I hadn't been home since the day I'd left. I almost felt like I was suffocating.

Just thinking about being here made me anxious, but I was more nauseas than anything entering the house; able to hear talking coming from the family room. That was until my mother and sister stopped talking mid sentence to look at me.

"Dalton...?" My mother rose to her feet from off the couch. She covered her mouth with her hand, overwhelmed with emotions.

My own were starting to bubble in my chest, but I wasn't going to let them hit me. "Mom." I'd always wondered if she ever missed me.

"Dalton!" Abbie appeared almost out of nowhere in front of me, grinning ear-to-ear as she hugged me, careful of the newborn she held in a carrier on her chest. "I can't believe you actually came!"

"Me either." I smiled, focusing on my sister.

"Dalton," Loran put his hand on my shoulder, clearing his throat, and I knew what he was getting at.

"T," I cleared my throat, trying to hide my voice shaking. My daughter came from inbetween Loran and Zach. "This is your aunt, Abbie."

"Hi," T waved and smiled politely, showing off her two missing bottom front teeth before tucking her face into my side, bashfully.

"Daughter?" My mother looked between Loran and I, bewildered, their eyes growing wide. "Since when?"

"Since February 1st, 2012." I said, boldly.

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