Treasure Hunt | Five

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I woke up the next morning in Ariel's bed. I was in pain from sleeping on my back all night - I was normally a stomach sleeper, but that was obviously that couldn't happen anymore. At least I wasn't at home. After fighting with my sister last night, I came here and ended up spending the night.

Her and Logan, being in a very committed relationship, obviously shared a room, and with that, obviously the bed. I told them I was fine sleeping on the couch, but the three of them were very adamant that Logan could take the couch. "I'm not the one who's pregnant, after all." He had said to me as he took a blanket from the hall closet.

Ariel was snoring next to me, I should probably tell her to go see an ENT. But between her snores and my bladder about to burst, I needed to get out of this room.

I was just leaving the downstairs bathroom when Loran was coming in the front door, already dressed for the day. "Morning sunshine," He said once he'd seen me, and I'd never been more confused.

Ugh. The lie. It was eating at me, and I knew I'd eventually have to fess up to him.

"The earth says hello." I felt my face pink.

He breathed out hard through his nose, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lip. That was probably the closest I'd ever get to a laugh out of him. He looked at his (also snoring) sleeping twin and then back at me before asking, "You wanna go get breakfast with me?"

I felt a split feeling of giddiness excitement that he'd ask at all, and another feeling of anxiety. It looked like I was going to have to tell him while we were here. "A little on the smaller side, but other than that, everything looks perfect. It has a really strong heart beat and starting to kick a lot more, or maybe I'm just noticing it more because I'm actually paying attention now."

"That's great." He smiled.

"Thanks." I pushed my fingers through my hair, and then sighed, the truth about to come out. "I really need to talk to you. About something super important."

"Oh?" He looked nervous, and I could see him swallow hard.

"I lied - to my brother - baby's dad." I took a deep breath, trying to not be too loud, but also to keep from having an anxiety attack.

He thanked the waitress as she sat our plates down in front of us. "What do you mean?"

"You know how I was..." my voice trailed off, and I could see it in his eyes when it clicked. "...anyways, I didn't tell my family. I'm too scared to. I haven't even told my parents about the baby. I told my brother, though, and then he asked who the dad was, and I accidentally said you."

"'Accidentally said me'?" He asked in disbelief. "Why me?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, feeling myself turning bright red from embarrassment. "I didn't even realized I'd said it until afterwards."

There was a long pause from him and my anxiety only continued to climb higher and higher the longer he was quiet. But finally, he spoke. "What do you think we should do, then?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I'm definitely not going to be the one to tell your brother that I'm not the actual father, and I can only imagine you aren't either-"

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