CHAPTER 1 (Edited)

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Hai! Just a notice... this is after Naruto runs home from the principal's office, kay? And I forgot Karin is a redhead, gomen!


3rd POV
As Naruto ran from the office back into the halls, his mind was aching, screaming. He couldn't understand how and why they'd do that to him.

As he ran past the classrooms, he raises his head and notices a blur of brown in his way, he tried to stop and not bump into it but it was too late. Soon he was on the ground, on staring at the blow blur, and his heart wasn't the only thing hurting now.

"Hey! Watch where you're go~ Naruto?" The man in front of him said his name.

"Umm, sorry Kiba! I didn't mean to crash into you~ I wasn't look~! I give up." He sighed, rubbing his eyes with his hands. He was a bit flustered from everything that happened.

"Okay then.. need any help getting up?" He asked smiling.

Naruto nodded in defeat.

Kiba held out his hand out for Naruto, who gladly accepted it. Kiba pulled Naruto up but it had just caused Kiba to fall on top of him, because he had pulled Kiba's hand to hard.

Now it was Kiba's turn to be flustered. He was chest to chest with Naruto, his face inches from the others, and he wanted so badly to place a kiss on his lips.

"Sorry, I pulled to hard!"

"Umm, Kiba, do you have a cold or something?" The innocent blonde asked his friend after noticing his red face. "N-No, nothing like that."  He said shaking his embarrassment away.

Kiba then got up from the awkward position and helped his friend up, this time succeeding in the task. He brushed himself off, knowing all too well that the floors were indeed dirty.

They stood there staring at each other. At that point Kiba noticed something in Naruto's eyes, so he questioned it, "Naruto... what's wrong? I know that look."

"N-Nothing's wrong." The blonde lied through gritted teeth. "Come on, you don't have to lie to me. Tell me what's bothering you." Kiba said worriedly.

"No." The blonde said stubbornly to his friend.

"Tell me."


"Tell me~Tell me~Tell me~Tell me~Tell me~Tell me!" He chanted knowing that it would annoy the blonde to no end and make him eventually give up. "Fine!" The blonde said panicking a bit because the chanting was getting creepier by the minute.

"Yes!" The brunette said successfully with a giant smirk on his face. "Let's sit down." The brunette suggested to his friend and led him to a bench nearby. "So... what's wrong?" The young man asked his friend with undying concern for his friend. "S-Sasuke." The blonde tried to say the rest but words wouldn't come out.

"What did he do this time?!" In actual truth, he already knew what happened (because of the rumours hat spread like wildfire), but he wanted to hear it from him.

The blonde took a while to answer, trying to find the right words to say. "H-he was on t-top of S-Sakura, and h-he was groping her." He mumbled wanting not to be heard by his friend, but his friend heard it and got angrier. Naruto's eyes stung from crying and sobbing.

"What the fuck! That duck-butt's gonna get it this time!" He yelled furiously, he hated the way Sasuke treated Naruto, he had Naruto, the nicest person in their lives, as his boyfriend.

"I-It's fine." The blonde said halfheartedly with tears rolling down his cheeks, and didn't bother wiping them away. "Naruto." The brunette's expression softened as he said the boy's name. "Y-Yeah?" He asked. Kiba just hugged his friend tightly not wanting to ever let go. He pulled away from his friend and smiled a bit.

"Naruto, no matter what happens, know that I'm here for you." He whispered softly to the blonde who now stopped weeping and sobbing. "Thanks, Kibbles." He said to his best friend.

"Anytime Naru-chan." He said laughing to himself, "Chan!?" The blonde said furiously and punched the other's shoulder playfully, now with his signature grin on his face. "Ouch." Kiba said in a fake hurt expression making them both laugh. 5ey stayed like that, laughing like little kids, for a while.

To Kiba, he was trying to help his best friend, and it looked like it was actually working.. yet why did his laughs feel forced?

"Hey, wanna go back to our room?"

"No, not yet. I hink I'm going home for the night."

"See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course."


Naruto got home fairly quickly, avoiding Jiraiya's perverted comments, and keeping his head hung low until he got to his room,

He walked into their bathroom and pulled out a razor that looked like no one had used for a while. 'I should've known no one could like a fag like me.. everyone hates me. Why did I even think he loved me.' He thought as he cut his wrist several times enjoying the pain it caused him, thinking~ no~ knowing it was the only thing that could distract him from his sadness, the floor was painted red all around... he winced at times he hit a nerve, but continued to cut nevertheless.

Once he was satisfied (aka once the sink was halfway full of blood) cleaned up the blood that spilt on the floor. He washed the wounds, but didn't clean them, wanting to feel more pain, then wrapped them in bandages. He flinched at the feeling of the bandages wrapping his wounded arms. He then left the bathroom and went back to his room and promptly fell asleep due to sadness...

*Meanwhile, like at the same time, in the principal's office

"Look, I don't know what to do with him."

"So, let's just say... nothing." She stated simply.

"What?" Almost everyone said at the same time.

"You heard me- nothing. There's really nothing I can do." She said. Dei wanted to protest but kept bis mouth shut.

"But, that also means that it doesn't fall unto my hands if other people did something about it."

And she left it at that. She dismissed everyone and was left on her own to handle paperwork.

Hey! I'm back! Here's the next chappie! That's it for now. KKN-Senpai out!

(Edit: I never really looked back at this book before, so.. it feels like I'm reliving the past, which was a good a year and a half ago, give or take

Edited: February 3, 2020)

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