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CHAPTER 12: Confessions, Confections, and Chain Reactions

3rd POV
Naruto stared confused, unaware of everything around him, surprised, and absolutely confuzzled.

Kiba Inuzuka, his closest friend, the person he trusted the most, had just confessed his feelings.

"You're kidding right? K-Kiba? Y-you meant i-it a-as a-a f-friend r-right.?" Naruto managed to stutter out.

"No..." In Naruto's eyes Kiba looked like an abandoned puppy.

"But... that can't be true! You're my b-best friend!" 'Who the hell am I kidding? Isn't that the number one cliche?'

"Naruto." Kiba said with saddened eyes.
Tears clouded Naruto's vision, he didn't realise it but he was crying.

"Naruto." He tried again with regret clear in his voice. Naruto turned away, facing the bedroom's wall instead of his friend.

"Tell me, h-how? H-how c-can y-you j-just s-say, 'I-I like y-you' so easily?" Naruto stuttered out, eyes turning red from the tears that he was spilling.

"That's because I do like you!" He yelled back in anguish. "N-nani?!" The other asked still baffled by the confession.


3rd POV

"What's with the shouting?" Came the voice of Sakura, who had just exited the bathroom, after eating 10 slices of Naruto's cake while consecutively drinking 6 glasses of what Jiraiya shrugged off as "you're legal enough."

"Shh! It's getting good." Ino whispered to her with a weird smile on her face

"What's this about anyway?" Sakura asked out loud

"Oh, that, Kiba finally went for it and said his feelings to Naruto." By the way the slightly chubby teen had said it, it was as if he was just talking about the weather.

"Oh, okay then~ wait what!" She half whispered, still trying to keep her voice down.

"Yeah, it's a big deal and whatever, everybody's waiting for Naruto's answer."

"About?" Sakura inquired.

"Not sure, I found this bag of chips in the fridge so I didn't hear much of their conversation." Chōji explained his situation. Sakura just shrugged in response and waited for an answer from the two boys they were eavesdropping on.

"Kid's got guts." Tsunade muttered with her head bent low. She knew Kiba meant well. Heck the kid even helped around their house.

The others also thought it was a perfect match. They were always together before, never left each other's side, hanging out whenever they could.

It wasn't just because of that, it was because after everything, they knew Naruto needed someone right now.


"Out." Naruto muttered, he stared at the floor as the tears dripped slowly down.

"N-Naruto?" Kiba felt his heart break into a million pieces.

Naruto's frame shook, his body teeming with confused feelings of anger and sadness.

"I said OUT!"

Kiba couldn't say anything... he couldn't do anything but feel tired of waiting.

"Fucking why? Do you hate me for some fucking reason?" Kiba yelled back full of sadness that was clouded by his anger.

"N-No! It's not like that! It's just...." he didn't finish his sentence but instead averted Kiba's eyes.

"Just what? Just that I'm not him!?" He spat like venom from the snake. "I-I don't care about Sasuke anymore, I h-hate him!" Naruto said, choking on his words.

"Then what? Am I not hot enough? Am I not sexy! Why!? Just tell me!" He screamed.

"Nothing's wrong with you.." Naruto said so quietly that Kiba almost didn't catch.

"Then what is it, Naruto?" Kiba's voice softened when he saw Naruto's pained expression.

"I-I j-just can't I-I still r-remember his eyes.. a-and I wouldn't know what to do if you looked at me like he did..." he trailed off.

Kiba sighed.. 'Of course.. I didn't realise you'd still feel that way.. I didn't consider how hurt you are.'

"Then I'll wait.. I won't stop trying, hoping, wishing to be with the one I like." Kiba stood there smiling, he knew he had to stay strong for the both of them, 'cause clearly Naruto wasn't okay in all the sense of the word.

"Thank you..." Naruto finally replied with a small smile.

The two sat there for a few minutes and Kiba hugged Naruto one last time before he left.

They didn't know this yet, but this day would be one they'd never forget for the rest of their lives.

Not just these two here.. no.. it was a big day for everyone.


"Itachi, look." Kisame Hoshigaki said with concern.

"Yes?" Itachi didn't turn towards him and just continued to study the grounds.

"Nobody's forcin' us to do this right?"

"What of it?" He asked not really following the other's logic.

"You should've stayed back in camp." The blue haired man stated, now his concern was getting larger.

"And why should I have stayed?" Itachi inquired suspiciously.

"Well, Deidara's in a his condition." Kisame said worried for the long haired blond.

"You and I both know Dei is capable of taking care of himself." Itachi shot back.

"But~" Itachi interrupted him.

"I said he can take care of himself!" Itachi snapped.

"Itachi, Deidara is fucking~"

Then Kisame winced and he sputtered out blood. Itachi's eyes widened in horror.

"R-Run Itachi.." and he fell to the ground.

(We're nearing the end, Chapter 13 is a very special chapter, and it's gonna take some time to work out.. so please be patient with me.. I couldn't help it you know? It was my first time!

Edited: July 29)

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