CHAPTER 6 (Edited)

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Last time...

"Who's Naruto? Also who are you guys?"

CHAPTER 6: I Hate Ramen!

3rd POV
"N-Naruto..." Sasuke whispered wiping the tears that flowed from his eyes and trying to regain his composure, but instead fainted  out of stress.

"Sasuke?" Tsunade said with a voice of concern that's almost creepy.

"L-lady Tsunade! Gaara and Neji fainted too!"

"Well, this is a shock, sweetie, please don't move your head around much, okay? You're still healing."

The whole shock and stress Sasuke must have been enduring finally caught up with him.

That said, he wasn't the only one unconscious from the shock, Neji and Gaara had fainted too, they were there on the floor.

"Excuse me? But who's Naruto? Who am I?"

'Why did I not faint!' Tsunade thought cursing under her breath, she was already annoyed with the brat who she ironically longed to hear the voice of for a month.

"Who's the hot brunette?" He blurted out making Kiba choke on what seemed to be air.

"E-Excuse me?" He stuttered out, coughing up his imaginary drink.

"Why? You really are hot, you're tattoos are cute too, I'd say you'd have a hot six pack too." The blonde continued. Kiba just blushed there, I mean who wouldn't if you're own crush told you out of nowhere that you're hot.

"Are you single?" He blurted out again. "L-lady Tsunade?"

"It seems Naruto is suffering from amnesia... I can't say we didn't expect this to happen, there was a high chance of this happening.." Tsuande explained

"Umm? Hello? Are you gonna answer my question or what? Are you single?" (I feel as if I copied WZ Tobi's line: "well? You haven't answered by question! How does it feel like to poo?") "umm, yeah." Kiba said awkwardly.

"Well, on the bright side of things, it looks like he can't lie to you or himself." Tsunade said smirking at Kiba.

"You are Naruto Uzumaki, son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, and I'm your grandmother, and that's your best friend, Kiba Inuzuka." Tsunade explained to the boy.

"Best friend? I thought we were dating?!" Naruto said a bit disappointed and Kiba could only blush madly.




"Enter." Tsunade said, the three heard a pairs of feet shuffling outside. Tsunade and Kiba sighed.

The first one that entered had long spiky brunette hair holding a bag of chips, and what looked like a bowl?

"Hey guys! How ~ Naruto!" Chōji said in surprise after noticing Naruto was sitting and his neck was covered in bandages.

"N-Naruto-kun y-your a-awake!" Hinata stuttered out, blushing madly.

"Hello, Naru, nice to see you again." Sai said, smiling nonchalantly. "Hey, senpai. You're awake." Haku said, dusting off his skirt, while giving Naruto a smile

"Shikamaru! You left us at school and I had to rush to get here, all because of you being too lazy to drive!" Came the shout of a girl as two blondes entered, one wearing a purple belly shirt, and the other holding a fan threateningly, both looking like they ran a marathon.

"Wait, is that Gaara? What's he doing sleeping? He rarely does that... and is he cuddling with Neji!" Temari said pointing at his brother who was now cuddling up to Neji, who had his arm around him possessively.

Oh right, only Kiba knew that the two were dating for the past month and a half.

"Don't tell me..." she muttered.


"Y-yes?" Kiba said a bit unnerved by the blonde's threat.

"Are they going out? And the truth please! If you don't the only things everybody's gonna hear tonight is the truth!" She emphasised the word "truth".


"I knew it! They're so cute! Look Ino a new ship! GaaNeji!" She yelled cheerfully... surprising everyone in the room, no one did know they were fujoshi.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Hey Naruto, how's it hanging?" Chōji said.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked.

"Hey, stop joking, Naruto. We've been friends since middle school."

"Chōji, he has amnesia.." Lady Tsunade said.


"You're fa~" Naruto started.


"What was that Naruto?" Chōji said not quite hearing the insult that was almost made.

Kiba walked to Naruto on the bed and whispered in his ear, "don't use that word around Chōji." Kiba said while accidentally breathing on Naruto's neck, and using a suggestive voice.

"And I thought you were only hot." Naruto said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I can't believe you Kiba, trying to seduce Naruto while he has amnesia." Ino scolded playfully.

"I-it's not like that!" Kiba stuttered out defensively.

"Oh? Then why're you stuttering?" Now everyone started teasing Kiba, Naruto just sat there not knowing, well, anything.

"Umm, Naruto, I brought you some ramen, I went and bought some before I headed here." Chōji said giving the blonde the cup of ramen.

"What is it?" "It's ramen, you know, you're favourite food. Here's the chopsticks."

"How do you use this?" "I'll feed you Naruto. Either way... you can't really move with all those bandages." Kiba said, totally not trying to do anything sexual.

"Sure!" Kiba went to him and knelt next to the bed to feed the blonde.

Ino and Temari were immediately sent to another room due to bloodlust - erm - loss..

While Sai, well... presented his drawing of Naruto in a dress to everyone. "Sai, can you design me a dress?" Haku asked the artist, wanting to sew a new dress.

"Sure, my princess." There he went again, with his nicknames... Haku only blushed...

The ramen noodles was almost fully in his mouth...

"Eww! I hate ramen!"


(Now I remember why I hate proofreading  my books.. they're full of cringe

Edited: April 5, 2020)

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