Chapter 6 (Sydney's POV)

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All of the sudden the lights went out and it was dark. I heard the window next to me slowly creek open as I ran for the door screaming. I looked back at the window as soon as I reached the door and grabbed a flashlight. I shined it on the silhouette of what looked like a young girl and watched her quickly climb out the window and slam it shut so the glass shattered. April ran into my room and looked at the window.

"What happened in here?" April asked.

"I think I just saw Aubrey's killer.", I replied.

"Where? When? What do you mean?" April asked confused.

"She came in through my window after the lights went out.", I said.

"The lights never went out.", April said.

"I'm actually next.", I whispered. April came over and hugged me.

"At least we're one step closer to finding out who killed Aubrey.", April said.

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"We know it's a she.", April replied. At least now we had a start on who killed Aubrey. Next time I'd rather not cut it so close. We went and told the others what had happened.

"Why did she leave?", Jackson asked.

"I found a flashlight and almost saw her.", I said.

"She plans on doing it again." Jackson said.

"What?", I asked.

"You're sleeping in April's room from now on.", Jackson replied. So April and I set up her room for me to sleep in.

"I really hope you dont mind.", I said to her.

"Dont worry about it I'm happy to do it." She said. We didn't think that it would put April in danger. Though in the back of my head I always knew it wouldn't end well for either of us.

Sorry this one was so short, but I'm camping and I wanted to try to find time to write another chapter. Hope you liked it. Happy reading xoxo- wordtreasurer

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