Overcoming the Brotherhood arc Ch1 The Refusal

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(Two mysterious voices are talking)

(One voice says) I think I finally found him.

(The other voice replies laughing) I've heard that before. What makes you think he is the one?

He is different from the others. The others were strong but they lacked heart. This one is weak but he has plenty of heart. I can also sense great potential brewing inside of him, I just have to teach him how to tap into it.

(Meanwhile at the Fire Brotherhood, one of the strongest fire clans, Lava enters his living quarters)

Magma get up...

(Magma is fast asleep and doesn't budge)

Magma I said GET UP! (yelled Lava as he thumps Magma on the head)

Ouch! Lava that hurt. Why would you do that?

Because idiot, General Aidan has your first orders ready.

(Magma sounding nervous replies) My first orders? I'm not ready yet. I'm too weak brother.

Stop being so scared Magma. You were expected to officially join the Brotherhood whenever you became strong enough. The Generals have been patient with you but now is the time for you to fulfill your duties as a squad member.

Okay Lava, I'll go.

(Nervously, Magma walks through the Brotherhood's manor toward the assignment room)

(General Aidan is talking to Vice General Brenton while they wait for Magma)

Lieutenant Lava has great potential but his brother is a coward. He shows no signs of becoming a strong Elemental.

(Vice General Brenton replies) We sensed a great potential coming from both of them. It's a shame Magma didn't live up to our expectations. Do you think we made a mistake recruiting them into the Brotherhood?

What's done is done. (replied General Aidan) We had no choice. They weren't going to let them join and we definitely weren't going to get the one without the other.

You're right about that. They were so stubborn. If they would of just let them join from the beginning, we could have avoided the whole situation. What are we going to do about Magma?

We have given him plenty of time to mature and learn to develop his powers. I'm tired of waiting for his potential to come out, we will assign him an order to give him an option. Either start becoming the Elemental he should be or die either from the assignment or from breaking Brotherhood law. (General Aidan replied laughing)

(Vice General Brenton laughs and says) Any member who refuses an order will be considered a traitor and a coward and they will be killed.

(Magma enters the assignment room)

Magma! (General Aidan said with a serious tone)

Yes sir General!

Magma you are a member of the Brotherhood. You became a member through your brother's, Lieutenant Lava, agreement. Now it's time to earn your place. Vice General Brenton will give you your orders.

Thank you, General. Magma, there is a fire Elemental named, Ember. He belongs to another fire clan, The Flame Clan. He has been talking down on the Brotherhood and has been taking shots at some squad members returning from assignments. That is unforgivable, we can not tolerate that kind of disrespect. We need you to kill him so the Brotherhood can uphold its reputation and get rid of a nuisance. Can you do that for us?

(Shyly Magma answers) I... I don't think I can do that sir.

Why not? (replied General Aidan)

I don't have the power to kill someone. Even if I did, I don't think I could bring myself to do it. 

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