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Harry's POV

I towered over her beautiful porcelain body as it lay lifeless on the floor. I honestly don't know what came over me. It all happened so quickly. An overwhelming daze clouded my understanding of what hands had committed. I just couldn't control myself. It was like someone else took over my body and did all the dirty work without any hesitation or second thought.

I stood there in shock praying she would wake any second now from her peaceful slumber. I looked down focusing on her chest to see the rise and fall of her breathes; they did not come.

I began to panic.

I clenched my hands into tight fists as minutes passed and still no sign of life. But something felt different about the palms of my hands. I slowly un clutched them and looked down, glaring at the crimson red that coated them. Dark red liquid painted my hands. I wasn't sure if it was my own blood or hers but what I did know is that I caused it.

And with the new realization of what I had done, I colllasped to a heap on the ground. Loud sobs escaped my mouth and tears streamed down my face. My breathing became irregular as I chocked on my cries.

There was no way I could've done this, I loved her far too much. She was my everything. She kept me grounded, my rock. She was the only one that understood me. She didn't see me as the monster I was, she looked past all my gruesome crimes and saw the real me. She was the only one that saw the beauty in my unhinged ways. The side of monstrosity that was kept untouched, even pure. The raw, emotional side. The side where I let down my cracked walls and rough exterior. The side where none ventured, and all but none conquered. All but her misunderstood.

So why would I do such a thing to her? She was the only thing I had left in my pathetic life. Without her I was useless. A night with no black, a breath with no purpose. I guess I was just too far gone into my own dark aura to appreciate her light. My demons, dragging me back deeper into my solemn gray matter once again. They have won once more, no matter how bright, how loving, or lustrous she was.

I slumped onto the cold ground next to her, sweeping strands of brown locks behind her ears, revealing her lifeless yet winsome face. My eyes glossy and puffy, the last of my tears escaped, gliding effortlessly down my face. She looked so serene and at peace. I couldn't bare to look at what I had done. I thought this part of my life was over. I thought she changed me for the better, I could've sworn I was different.

I guess not. 

I'm still the same twisted person I was before. I looked away from her body in disgust. The pain of guilt setting fire to my heart. Maybe it was the affliction of having lost the love I had never truly treasured or maybe it was thought of having to live on, without her knowing the truth. Which ever it was, I don't know if I could handle.

I looked around the dark, damp room, trying to avoid the sight of her once beautiful body. I stared up at the cobweb cover ceiling, then back down to the dirty, blood splattered cement floor. That's when I saw it. A gun. It was lying just adjacent to me. Tormenting me, almost calling my name in a way. I tried to look away but I just couldn't. It was like a smoker, trying to quit his cigarette vice, seeing a lighter and a pack of reds for the first time in days. 

It was not only my drug but my answer; my escape from everything. My one way ticket out of this awful, foul, vile world. A one way ticket to end all this suffering. My one way ticket to a life with her. 

I slowly reached for the deadly object, but then hesitated only inches away.

'Is this what Iris would've wanted?'. The thought prolonged my dead.

I hastily turned around, only to descry my slain lover. Her once deep Prussian blue eyes now pale and torpid. 

That was all I needed. One last look, that was it. I went completely insane. I screamed at the top of my lungs until my throat produced no more noise and burned in anguish. I knocked over everything insight, running my trembling hands back and forth through my knotted curly hair, pulling hard at the roots. I wanted her back, I would do anything for her. She was all I had, and all I wanted. I was furious with myself. How could I ever live without her? And that's when it. I couldn't. I couldn't live without Iris. 

I turned around quickly and grabbed the gun, it's heavy weight feeling natural in my grip. The thought of holding the cold metal object in my hand giving me the ultimate high. I needed this feeling, a feeling I had become so accustom to. The feeling of emptiness. I looked at the weapon one more time before placing it in my mouth and turning toward Iris. She was the last thing I wanted to see before I left this life. 

But just not like this, not bruised and broken, lying in a puddle of her own blood. Laying alone on the gray, grotesque floor. I pictured her happy and laughing as a held her in a tight embrace. The sun beaming down on the high points of her face, glowing from within. She was perfect.

A single tear left my eye as I imagined her alive once more. The biggest smile plastered across her engaging face. Such beauty take by the handoff something as cruel and depraved as myself. 

That was the last thing I remembered before I pulled the trigger. Everything around me slowly faded away into this soothing hum of darkness. And for once in my life ,everything felt like it was gonna be ok. Everything except for a small ache in the pit of my chest. A piece missing within my demise. Luckily for me I knew exactly what I needed to complete this empty space.

I needed Iris.


hey, guys! I hope you enjoyed my prologue! It's my first time writing fanfic,  so please remember to VOTE, COMMENT, & SHARE 'insane'!

Also this is my original idea so don't say it's not/copy it. And a little apology upfront if you get scared, offended or upset by anything I write within this story. Thanks for reading!

(ps. I know this was short but that's because this is only the prologue)

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