Chapter 5

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Anna's POV

It's been a couple of hours since Harry revealed everything to me, yet I still was in shock. How could I have been in love with him when I've never seen him before in my life until today. There is obviously more to this story than he is telling me. And I was gonna make him tell me what he was hiding, even if I have to pry it out of him.

I had been sitting on the dirty wood floor leaving against the old green couch for god knows how long, making my legs numb. Harry had left me here alone once I had woken from my dream-like state, so I could process everything. But that's the thing, I didn't know everything.

The picture wasn't clear. The puzzle was incomplete. Little bits and pieces were missing causing the whole situation to seem off. Nothing fit right together, like one big main part was missing. And there was only one person who knew what that part was; Harry.

I looked around the barren room, looking for any sign to where he might have gone. Nothing seemed to have been moved or touched and all the doors closed. I threw me head back in defeat, sighing loudly. I looked once more around the room before getting up walking to a strange door across the room. My legs had fallen asleep from my long period of sitting causing me to feel like a baby dear trying to walk for the very first time. I limped over to door grabbing a hold of the knob twisting it open. A vile and fowl crept through as the door slowly opened. I gagged at the horrid smell pulling my shirt over my nose to block out the stench.

I gripped the rusted handrail as I glanced down at a poorly constructed staircase. The black paint on the wooden stairs chipped and stained with many mystery liquids.

"Harry?" I called in a hushed tone. I took a couple shaky steps before speaking again. "Are you down here?"

Still no answer. I decided to ascend further down the staircase with precaution, listening for Harry.

I reached the bottom step, turning my head sharply to see the surrounding room.

I felt the blood drain from my face as I looked around. Where the hell was I?

But that's exactly where I was. Hell.

It felt as if the oxygen had been knocked out of my chest as I gasped for air. It was a scene straight out of a horror film. Blood stains covered the floor and the pungent scent of death filled the air, suffocating you. But what I found most gruesome was the wall on the far right of the room. It was covered in all sorts of different knives, guns, tools and whips. I cringed as I looked over every deadly instrument clinging to the wall, bringing tears to my eyes.

'Was this what Harry was planning on doing to me?' Tears spilling over my cheeks at the thought.

And at that moment it all made sense. All of it fit. The picture was clear, the puzzle was completed. Harry had told me the story of us falling in love to trick me into trusting him. No wonder I didn't remember him. There was nothing to remember, I didn't know him. It was as simple as that.

My stomach began to turn and form into knots as I realized that once Harry came back from wherever he was, he was gonna take me down here. Loud sobs escaped my mouth but only to be covered up quickly by hand, not wanting to heard just in case if Harry was still in the house. If he was still in this nightmare, or was he the nightmare?

A loud door slam brought me back from my torturous thoughts, leaving me speechless. He knew where I was and he was coming down here right now.

But I'm not ready to die, and especially not like this.

Loud footsteps raced down the creaky stairs, echoing throughout the basement. With each thud getting closer and closer my heart increased speed and my breathing hitched as I chocked on my tears.

"Anna!" Harry's booming voice amplified in the desolate room, cutting through it like a knife.

I was beyond terrified, I was in hysterics. All I could do was scream, and so that's what I did. I screamed as loud as I could, causing my ears to pop, leaving a numb feeling. I screamed to let out all the emotions I had bottled up from today. I let out all the emotions from that my frail body held. It was almost like I was shredding this exterior I had, leaving me bare. I had no more emotions.

My blood curdling screams bounds off the walls surrounding me, sending that back at me making me fall to me knees and curl into a ball. I hid my face in my knees as I wrapped my arms around my legs. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to disappear and be nothing. This was my worst dream coming to life and I just couldn't take it. I could feel Harry inching his way closer to me but I knew I couldn't let that monster of a human touch me.

Within a split second I was up on my wobbly feet running toward the wall of weapons and grabbing the closest knife to me. I held it close to chest in a tight grip, not daring to let it go.

"Put down the knife, Anna." Harry growled through his teeth.

"No, Harry! You're a sick bastard, now go away!" I yelled, my throat sore from the screaming fit I just had.

"Is that what you want? For me to go away?" He questioned deviously.

I nodded frantically, tightening the grip on the knife causing my knuckles to turn white. "Ok." He said blankly and with that he was gone. He vanished into thin air.

I stood there in come complete silence and utter shock. Where the hell did he go? Fear once again to set in making me shake violently. He could be anywhere, and that frightened me more than anything. It felt like a million eyes were piercing into me. A million of Harry's forest green eyes to be exact.

This was my chance to run and get as far away from Harry and this place as possible. So I took it. I ran to the stair case with the knife still locked firmly in my hand.

Just before I was about to reach the first step a large hand caught my shoulder, dragging me to the floor. I flailed my arm around taking stabs at anything in my reach until I finally hit something solid. I sighed in relief as I heard him wince in pain, giving me enough time to stand back up and turn to see the damage I had done.

Harry had has hand wrapped around the knife in his tricep. A few pained pants escaped his pink plump lips as he quickly pulled it out, throwing across the room, landing loudly in the corner.

I looked back over at Harry to see the wound I had inflicted on him, but something was off. He wasn't bleeding. There no blood pouring out, nor was there any trace of blood on the floor.

What was he?


Okay, first I like to say happy harry appreciation day! Two, the 5sos album came out today and its perfection! And thirdly, that today (since it's 2am lol) is one direction's 4 year anniversary! I would just to say I love them so much and I'm extremely proud to be a fan of the boys and that every single one of them is truly amazing♡♡


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