Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

We walked silently to my car parked across the street, but I didn't mind the silence. It's been years, or I dare say ages, since I've seen her. And how amazing did it feel to have her back in my arms again. All I wanted to do was smash my lips to hers but I knew that would only scare her. So I kept it silent, for silence does speak louder than words.

I held her soft, smooth hand in my greatly larger hand, fingers entwined. It radiated a heat I longed to feel; love. I knew she didn't remember who I was, but I would make it my ever lasting goal to make her remember. For her to remember us, what we had. I wanted her to remember all the 'I love you's', all the ups and evens our downs. But to me they were all worth it, every single kiss, every argument, they all just fueled our love. Most people would've called our love destructive and unsafe but we knew that wasn't the case. I guess we both liked the pain, I guess we both wanted to feel something. Each time we fought and torn down each other's walls we would pick the pieces up together and build them back up again. Yes it was hard but our love was so strong, it was different then most. In most relationships the people will just say 'I love you' and not really mean it, but with Anna and I saying 'I love you' just wouldn't suffice.

As we reached my car I pulled out my keys and clicked it open. With our hands still entangled we walked around the car, where I opened the door to the passenger seat. I reluctantly unbraided our fingers as my arm dropped down to my side. Anna climbed into the car swiftly and closed the door beside her. I then lightly jogged around, getting in and starting the car. I could feel her gaze set on me and smiled knowing she was looking.

"Like what you see?" I said trying to hold back my smile. I could tell she was trying to hold back hers too as she quickly turned away laughing. Oh, how I missed that sound. It sounded so innocent and pure. I then turned away to keep my eyes on road, but it was hard knowing that she was right next to me and I couldn't do anything. My smile then slowly turned into a frown as I remember why I was really here, what my true intensions were. I felt so selfish, how could I just take her from her family and friends, from the world. Not only once but for a second time.

Here we go as history repeats itself... again.

Anna's POV

I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful man in front of me. He was different, that was for sure. He was a man on a mission, a mission I was not sure of yet though.

I watched him carefully, which was quite easy to do. All I wanted to do was watch him. Everything he did was so fluent like he had planned and rehearsed it his whole life. I've never seen such drive in my entire life before.

"Like what you see?" He spoke smoothly, breaking me from the trance I was in. To be be completely honest was really embarrassed he caught me staring but by the way he smiled, I could tell he didn't mind. If anything he seemed happy at the fact I was studying him. Although he seemed pleased with himself I still turned away facing the window, watching buildings and tree pass by in a blur, not wanting harry to see the burning in my checks.

I chuckled to myself but quickly stopped once I saw Harry's face turn into a frown. His eyebrows knitted together in concern. He looked as if he were frustrated, like he was having a battle within himself. He then quickly glanced at me with sorrow in his eyes and that's when something inside me snapped.

In a spilt second this daze or whatever I was in stopped and I woke up from the my dream-like state. I looked around the car and then to this mystery man. I could feel the panic set in under my skin as if it were tangible. Apprehention crawl all over my quivering body, feeling like billions of volts of electricity. The palms of my hands began to shake and sweat profusely. My heart beat speed up at an irregular rhythm as did with my breathing.

"Where am I? Who are you!" I weakly screamed, sounding more vulnerable than I wanted to. He mumbled a few incoherent swears under his breathe, then turned to look at my terrified face, bet yet at the same time neer took his eyes off the road. A loud sigh pushed past his lips, joining the sound of my choppy sobs. He turned the wheel toward the right side of the barren road and slowly pulled over.

Once the car was park he looked at me dead in the eyes with a stern look, but it looked like it was a front. It was holding something back; the real him. I could see the saddened and frighten child on the other side clawing, trying to come out. But this front was a wall blocking him from succeeding. This ice cold, hard wall. His tough exterior was just a show he put on to hold back the petrified child within. I guess you could say this wall his 'fake smile', but I could see the real him.

A solemm frown formed on his face, his eyes narrowing down on me, making feel belitled. I felt like a child being scolded for doing somethig wrong, when in reality I had done nothing. I mean he's the strange man holding me here against my will, driving me to an unknown destination!

"Anna calm down. Everything is going to be fine, just..." He trailed off sighing loudly then looking back at me. "Just shut up, ok."


I know this update is short and sucky, but i'm on vacation right now so sorry, loves.

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