Chapter 9

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Anna's POV

I took a deep breath in as Harry opened the door. What did he mean by strange looking? A million images of disturbing, deformed figures flashed through my mind. Each vision making me cringe, my face twisting into an apprehensive look. The door slowly creaked open, revealing a barren, trashed room. It looked as if a tornado had gone threw it, completely destroying everything in it's path. The dirty, worn out wallpaper peeling, displaying the faded red brick that was hiding underneath it. Random tables and chairs were flipped, scattered all around the grimy, flithy room.

But the room's wrecked attire wasn't the only thing that caught my attention. An overly pungent smell crept into my nose, making me gag. This smell was all too familiar. It was the same smell from Harry's basement, but only stronger; fresher.

Harry's grip on my arm tightened, making me wince a little at the pressure. "Harry, dear, can't you see you're hurting the poor thing." A deep, eerie voice chuckled from behind us. I quickly spun my head around in the direction from which the voice eminated from.

My eyes darted around the room before finally landing on an a tall, lean figure. He wasn't at all what I execpted. He was beautiful. He was dressed in all black, a pair of dirty skinny jeans and a simple tee shirt. His toned arms were covered from top to bottom in effortless, delicate designs. The black ink hypnotizing, like a work of art.

He took a couple harsh steps foward towards us, giving me a better view of him. I was frozen in place, unable to move a single limb. He was even more breath taking up close. His face was flawless perfection, I had never seen such a cativating person before. His dark hair was messy, like he had rolled out of bed but on him it looked so right. And intrestingly enough he had eyes just like mine. They were a stunning set of vibrate, light blue eyes that would make any girl melt within a matter of seconds. He truley looked as if god himself had sculpted him to perfection.

But how? I was terribly confussed. Harry had said that he would be strange and even quite scary looking, where as the man standing infront of us was the polar opposite of that.

"Of course." Harry mumbled under his breath, sounding a bit annoyed. I glared at him questioningly, raising a brow.

The man loudly and abnoxiously cleared his throat, stealing my attention. "Expect something different, sweetheart." He said sarcasticly. "Well I would love to tell you that I'm not the guy you were seeking, but sadly I am. And I hate to break it to you, sweetie, but the devil is real and he isn't just a little red man with horns and a tail. He can be normal looking, or yet, as you were thinking, beautiful. Because well, I am a fallen angel after all." A devious smirk planted itself on his face as he walked over to my side, brushing the hair away from my face, tucking the strands behind my ear. "I was God's favorite too, you know that?" He whispered into my ear. I was quaking with fear, the devil? That couldn't be!

"Don't touch her!" Harry growled through his clenched teeth.

The man's peicing eyes narrowed at Harry before his hand slowly rocoiled back to his side. "Anyway you know what we came here for, so I suggust you hold up your end of the bargain before I decide not to hold up mine." Bargain, what bargain? Had Harry made a deal with the devil?

"Now, now harry, what's the rush?" His arrogance growing by the second. It was like he was feeding off my fear, and as of right now, I was drenched in it. "Come here Anna." His voice low and demanding.

I took small cautious steps to him before he violently grabbed my arm, pulling me into him. He quickly flipped me around so that my back was pressed firmly against his cold, solid chest. "You see Harry, in order for me to give her back her memories you need to tell her the truth. Tell her everything that's going on, almost like that you are confessing your sins."

Harry's POV

My anger was boiling inside me, threating to lashout at any moment. But I knew I had to control myself, for this was satan we were dealing with here, and he has more tricks up his sleeves than there are stars in the sky. So I had to choose every move I made like her life depended on it, which it did.

"Alright." I spoke calmly, "Just first, let her go."

"Hmm, can't do that, Styles." An evil, cocky grin still locked on his face. "Now if you would just hurry up and tell her the god damn truth, Harry, I don't have all day!"

"Fine!" I yelled, I was done putting up with him and his stunts. At this point I was beyond furious. "Anna, listen to me, and listen closely." She managed to force a nod 'yes' from within his strangling hold on her.

I sighed loudly before proceeding with telling her what she needed to hear. "When I said that we were in love, I wasn't lying. When I said I did awful things to others, I wasn't lying. But what I am lying about is that I have hurt you before. And I didn't mean to, I swear, just please believe me when I say I'm sorry because I truley am. I've done everything in my power to get you back. I've done things that no one in thier right mind would ever think of doing, just to hold you in my arms again."

"And I guess that's were I come in. You see, darling, you're little lover boy over here and I have come to a little compromise. In exchange for me to make you remember the life you had with Harry, he'll become my right hand man, the physical embodiment of death itself. So I guess in other words he will live out his afterlife owned by me as the angel of death, grim reaper, faucheuse, sensenmann, or whatever you wanna call him."

"A-a-afterlife?" Anna studdered, "Angel of death, grim reaper? What does any of that mean!"

"It means that I'm dead, Anna."

Anna's POV

Dead? How could he be dead when he is standing right there infront of me. I was able to touch him, and he was able to touch me, so how could he possibly be dead or even a 'ghost' of some sort. He wasn't white and translucent like a ghost, nor was able to float and fly through walls like one. But maybe thats it, he wasn't a ghost. He was death, and death was him.

That's the last thing that I could process through my already bustling mind before everything when cold. Before I knew it, I was out like a light, letting the dark consume my numbing body and brag me into the unknown.


I woke up to a pounding ringing noise and a throbbing headache but no Harry. Where was he? The more important question was where was I. I looked around my surrounding hastily only before realizing I was still in the same place. I was lying on top of a large office desk in the middle of the now dark room.

I needed to find Harry. I got up off the desk and walked around the trash and various objects that lay on the floor and headed toward the door that lead to the hallway. I reached out for the handle and turned it ever so slightly before a boney, large hand gripped my shoulder. "Not so fast, Anna." Oh god, it was him.

"What do you want?" I asked ask rudely, turning to face him. Except he wasn't him anymore. He was this thing, this awful, dreaded thing. He had bloody gashes and bruises all over him, with missing limbs and bones coming out of him at every nook and cranny. Organs and viens spilled form his insides, landing onto the already bloody floor. His gorgeous eyes that I had once adored so much were sewn shut, oozing blood. It was something straight out of a horror movie, except this was real.

I didn't know what else to do, Harry was no where insight to protect me. I felt helpless and weak, I knew I couldn't defend myself against him. So there was only one thing I could do; run.


faucheuse - french translation of grim reaper

sensenmann - german translation of grim reaper



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