Chapter 12

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Anonymous POV

Harry's hand glidded off Anna's shoulder in dissapointment once he spotted the wall. Of course he saw what was written on the wall, how could he not, it was written in blood for crying out loud.

He was angered, yet saddend all at the same time. He knew what game he was playing with the devil, and him and Anna were now the new pawns in it. They were now the puppets, the devil the puppeter controlling them.

Harry understood that once he agreed to the deal he was the devil's new play toy, and that he would have to do any and everything he said, but bringing Anna into this wasn't part of the deal. And frankly it was too much for him to handle.

The deal was that he and Anna would be brought back and would be able to be together for as long as they pleased until Harry could no longer preform his duties as the new angel of death. No where in this deal was it stated that the devil could bring Anna into tormentive his mind games. For Harry knew all too well of the throes of the devi's sinister mind games.

Ever since his death, the devil tauntd his every thought. Everywhere he looked he saw glimpses of his gruesome past. Maybe it was a reminder of all the innocent people he tortured, or maybe it was a punishment for all his sins. Although Harry did not know which one is was, he did know that he would put up with the devil's tricks if it meant that he might have a second chance with Anna.

He looked at her with tired, dull eyes hoping that she wasn't under the same influence he was, but once he saw the horrorfied look plastered on her face he knew that she was.

She was just like him; a slave.

Harry's body tensed as him spirt fell, physically his body was infuriated but his soul was beaten. This was exactly what he prayed wouldn't happen. Harry only had one goal in life and that was to keep her safe, which he had failed at. He failed her, not only now, but twice.

"Anna, there is nothing there." Harry lied. He didn't want to scare her anymore than she already was. It was bad enough she has just had journeyed to hell and back re-learning everything she had been through in her previous life, but now she had to deal with her own personal hell. Only this time she can't escape.

"What do you mean nothing's there!" Anna croaked, "It's right infront of your face, Harry!" Her blood was boiling in her viens, and her head was spinning. How could Harry not see the writing, or so she thought.

"There is nothing there." Harry repeated, this time more stern and demanding.

Anna's stared at Harry with wide, pleading eyes. "Are you blind!" She yelled, marching toward the wall. "It's right here, written in b-blood!" Her frail hands gesturing to the warning on the wall.

"Anna please-"

"No, Harry, you listen to me." She was getting irritated rather quickly, her anger and confussion getting the best of her. "You know what..." She breathless panted from her previous screaming match.

Anna quickly walked over towards the wall and swiped her hand across the liquid writing on the wall, smugding it. "Here! You see!" She rasied her hand to Harry's eye level, revealing the dark red crimson on her pale fingers.

But Harry just shock his head, continuing with his lie. "Anna," He spoke lowly, "There is nothing on your hand."

"What?" She asked stunned, making she herself do a double take. "No, Harry, you have to believe me, look see the blood on my hands." The volume of her voice dropping by the second. "The writing on the wall, it-"

"I don't care what it said!" He roared, causing her to take a step back in fear. "Wanna know why, because nothing is there! There is nothing on your hands or on the wall, you just paranoid and seeing things." Anna's bottom lip began to temble and tears clouded her vision. How could he be so loving one second and then brutally blunt the next?

"I guess I must be going crazy." She said just above a whisper.

"I guess so." Harry knew what he was doing, and it pained him but he had to keep her safe. Maybe if she ingored the devil's tricks, he would go away. It was a long shot but it was the only idea Harry had, he was just as lost and confussed as she was. "Come on, lets go." He spoke softly, taking her hand in his

Together they walked out of the old, brick building hand in hand. Not a single one of them said a single word on the walk to the car, for they both were too caught up in their own thoughts.

Harry thought of revenge, where as Anna questioned her own sanity. 'So you think you're going crazy, sweetie.' A deep, dark voice rang in Anna's head, making her stop dead in her tracks.

"What is it, Anna?" Harry's eyebrows pulled together in concern.

'Yeah what is it, Anna?' The voice taunted.

Anna's slipped from Harry's grasp, and shot up to cover her ears. What was going on? 'Think you're going insane? Well babe, insanity is contagious after all.'

"Harry" She cried, "What's happening to me?" Her once bright blue beautiful eyes that Harry fell in love with were gone. They were now dull and lifeless, they looked as if she hadnt slept in days; tired, like they had been drained of life.

'Had enough, baby? Well I haven't. You may have escaped hell but you won't escape me.' Tears fell from Anna's eyes and cascaded down her pale, rosey cheeks. It was him. 'I'm gonna have fun playing with you.'


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