Chapter 8

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Anna's POV

I dont know how many days it's been since Harry had taken me to this desolate hell hole. There was no way to keep track of time. There was no windows in whole entire house, so I couldn't tell if it was night or day, but it didn't matter because I couldn't sleep anyways. Between the fact there was a deranged psychopath watching my everymove and that he supposedly says we were once 'in love', there was so way I could sleep.

After our little fight down in the basement he hasnt talked to me much. The only time he did was when he had lead me back up stairs and guided through the small house to 'my room'. He walked over to the closet in the far corner of the room, opeing it and pulling out a pillow and quilt.

"I'm gonna be gone for a while but here's your bedding. I guess you can make yourself at home and what not." His tone was cold and emotionless, just like his face. Although his eyes told a story, they were full of sorrow and desperation.

He unexpectdly threw the material onto the dusty wood floor, causing a whirl storm of dust to fly wilding into the air. And with that he stomped out of the room, leaving without saying another word. I cringed at the sound of the old, creaky door slamming behind him as he left.

I starred at the quilt and pillow thrown on the floor not knowing what to do with them. I guess I'll be sleeping on the floor. Great, just great. I bent down, picking up the bedding and began to look around the room for a place to put my make-shift bed. I finally choose the far left side of the room, seeing that it was the cleanest, in the sense that it was the space that accumulated the least amount of dust in the room.

I neatly unfolded the quilt and layed it on the scuffed floor, placing the old pillow right on top of it. Exhausted, I sat down back against the wall, letting out sigh. What in the world was going on?

To be totally honest I have no idea, I'm still in shock from the whole thing. Right now I was supposed to be in school, learning about some boring stuff that I was never gonna use again in live, but instead I was locked up in a room by some complete lunatic. My head was going crazy with a million thoughts buzzing through it, but I let it. I let my mind slip away and process everything that just happened in hope that something, anything would make sense.

'I need you." His words haunted my every thought. How could he need me? All I could think about was him needing me was somehow related to the horrors in the basement. The imagine of him using any of those awful tortune devices petrified me. Who knows what his sick, twisted mind was thinking doing with them.

All those knifes, drills, whips and saws. The ways his eyes changed when he was around them. They turned into this lustful evil that sents chills up and down my spine. They eminated pure evil, something I can't explain. The dept of the darkness in them went straight into his non-existance soul was almost demonic. But one thing was for sure those eyes were definitly not human. They were something from another world, or life.

Thoughts like these have clouded my mind, not willing to leave. I didn't mind though, I felt like I was getting somewhere with them. Like I was scratching at the surface of the truth. Now all I needed was a few more parts for it to all make sense. The only problem is that the parts I needed laid in the place I dreaded most.

Harry's mind.

Where was Harry anyway? He said he was gonna be gone for a while, but where could he possibly have gone?

'Probably getting his next victim to join me.' I thought.

A loud knock came from the otherside of the door, making me jump. The door slowly opened as Harry's bright green eyes entered the room. His glare stayed on me as he paced over to me. His presence over bearing as the difference in height made feel weak and belitted. He already had ruffly a good a five inches on me, but now that I was sitting, he towerd over me, which only made me fear him more. "If it makes you feel you any better I didn't go out to get my 'next victim'." His deep, raspy voice spoke softly. "And you're not a victim either." I cocked an eyebrow at him in disbelief which he understood. A large smile appeared on his face as he shook his head and laughed to himself.

"What?" I questioned.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just you always did that thing with your eyebrow when you were pissed or annoyed." He said, his smile widered than ever.

"No I don't." I protested, pouting my lip.

"And you did that too!"

"Do what?"

"Pout your lip." His excitement bursting at the seams. "And being stubborn, gosh, Anna. You haven't changed one bit, have you."

"What are you talking about, Harry. I don't know you, and you don't know me!"

His stunning signature smile falls from face at my words. "I know." His voice barely audible. There was a long moment of silence before Harry finally spoke up, breaking it. "Anna I need you to come with me, and I need you to trust me." I was about to open my mouth and tell him that I refused to trust him but he quickly cut me off before I could speak. "Please."


We had been driving for what seamed like forever until we finally pulled up to an old, weed infested brick building. It was fairly large and quite beautiful, but you could tell it has seen better days. You could see the age of the place from all the trash, fallen bricks and broken glass that lay around it. I would've thought it was abandoned from the looks of the the building but as we got closer it was obvious the only residents weren't just bugs and rats.

"Stay close to me." Harry spoke soothingly. I nodded my head, knowing I wasn't going to leave him anyway. As frightening Harry was, he makes me feel safe. When I'm with him I like nothing can hurt me, like I'm protected. And that's something I haven't felt in a very longtime.

We were greeted by cold gust if air as we walked through the large, prehistoric wooden doors. "Shit, he here." Harry mumbled under his breath.

"Who's here?" I asked sheepishly. He sounded concerned and that made me nervous.

"You'll find out soon. Now follow me." I did as I was told and followed him down all long, narrow hallway, stopping at a thin metal door.

"Ok, Anna. Now please don't freak out when you see him. He's a bit strange looking but he's an old mate of mine... if you can even call him that." He shrugged. "But he's gonna help us. He's gonna make you remember."


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