Nobody Cares But Him (Finn Wolfhard)

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It was a dark and stormy night. You look through your window and let out a sigh. Everyone in the whole world doesn't care about you. A tear drop falls from your face. Just then, a knock enters in your room and there stood Finn with a bag full of stuff.

Finn:   Knock knock. I've brought in our favorite food and movie. Y/n? What's the matter?

You:  Nobody seems to care about me.

Finn:  Who told you that? I'll kill them!

You:  Some two girls today says that I was gross and nobody likes me and they send awful memes about me.

Boil rushes through Finn's blood as he looks at a picture edit of you eating a burger being fat.

Finn:  I'll kill them! I'll kill them for hurting you like that!

You:  Finn it will make the conversation worse!

Finn grabs you in a hug.

Finn: Don't worry about a thing! You just leave it to me.

The next morning, Finn walks to your school and had a little chat with the principle the principle looked at the horrible picture of you being fat and eating a burger.

Principle:  Thank you for being so kind to y/n. I have other students teasing her because she's dating a famous celebrity. Unless.. you can come to this school to be her body guard. If you want to.

Finn:  Sure that's the most amazing thing that anyone has done for me and my girlfriend all day!

The principle shook his hand and welcomed him to y/n's school. She also expelled the bully's that picked on y/n and had a big conference with the students about bullying and why it's wrong. Finn stood up on the stage and the girls gone crazy when he steps foot at their school.

Finn:  I'm here to stand up against bullying. I was being found out from my my girlfriend that a girl posted something that was a picture of her being like this

The crowd gasped in concern as they saw the horrible edit.

Finn:  We have expelled her yesterday for doing that. If anyone has a problem with us dating, then they can go to the principles office and I'm sure that you don't want to be expelled either. So my point is, to keep your education, do not bully. Because bullying is wrong. Especially when it's towards my property that's being towards my girlfriend. I am now enrolled at your school to protect her and to anyone else who has been bullied.

The crowds aw at his speech. Y/n in tears ran up to Finn hugging and crying. Finn shushes you telling you that everything's gonna be alright the fan girls clapped and was very happy of what Finn did for her and to the entire school as well.

I'm screaming over this! If this is something what Finn would do, then that would be the most kind full thing he has done for any girl!

Finn Wolfhard, Richie Tozier, and Mike Wheeler Imagines Where stories live. Discover now