The Tutor (Mike Wheeler)

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Your POV:

I can't believe of all days! I'm failing way behind in Math and I'm not doing so good at it. I know that 2x2 =4 but really? Why did I fail and need a tutor? A fucking tutor!

It began in Hawkins High School on a Monday afternoon. It was around after class and our teacher was finishing handing out papers from last week's test. When were about to head out the door to start our weekend, She called my name up and had a little chat about my grades.

Teacher: Y/n, you know that test we took on Math class? Well, you got some of them right but you got only 2 correct. Your falling behind again. What's holding you up?

You: Family stuff Mrs.

Teacher:  I'm gonna have to call you in for a tutor. His name is Michael Wheeler. And I bet you should remember him from Drama class.

I sighed and poked my head out of the door to see him hanging around with his friends. I remember who he was. That kid with the black hair and brown eyes did a killer performance last weekend. It got me so..... jealous for some odd reason. Oh yeah. It's because one girl kissed him and I had gut feelings for that dude.

You:  Y-yes ma'am.

Teacher:  Now run along and meet your new tutor.

Mikes POV:

Mike:  Hey guys I got to go the teacher in Math class needs me for something.

Lucas:  Ok hurry up princess Daphne isn't gonna keep us here forever ya know!"

I rolled my eyes and walked to the teacher.

Mike: Yes ma'am?"

Teacher: Mike, you remember y/n l/n in Drama class right?

Mike:  Oh yeah hi nice to finally meet ya.m

I let out a hand shake before she began to say anything.

Your POV:

You:  H-hi.

Ok that part turns out very wrong! He's the smartest kid in class! I gotta pretend to know it all before he figures out I'm dumb!

Teacher: Ok y/n is falling behind and needs help with her grades in Math. Mind if you give her a hand and help her out?

Mike: Oh yes ma'am I'll be happy to help her with her out in Math.

Mike: Hey wanna go and meet my friends and I at the arca-

You:  Save it Mr. Simon Seville! I know your tricks you can't fool me!

Mike: What are you talking about?

You:  Don't play dumb with me! Ever since you and that girl kissed on stage, I have heard people saying "Oh don't you think they make a great couple?" Or "Oh they need a ship name!" Oh pluheeze!

Mike:  That was so totally last week! You need to really lighten up. It was just a play.

You:  Oh yeah? Well, don't you know that feelings hurt too?

Mike:  Ummm. What are you saying. That I hurt you because you have a little crush on me?

I stood back and my eyes grew wide open.

Mike:  It's ok I get it. Look, why don't I help you do your studying, and we can have a date night and a movie to celebrate. My treat.

You: Ok I will.

He helped me with my studying and I got every one of the answers correctly.

Mike:  And for that I reward you with a kiss and a movie night.

Finn Wolfhard, Richie Tozier, and Mike Wheeler Imagines Where stories live. Discover now