Will I See You Again? (Mike Wheeler)

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It wasn't that long ago when Mike Wheeler found out about the big move. Mike was devastated and never wanted to talk to you ever again!

You: Mike I'm sorry!

Mike: Go away! We don't know each other anymore remember? Your moving!

You: I'm sorry but that wasn't my decision Michael! That was my dad's decision.

Mike: Can you just please go away?

You sighed and did nothing else but left.  A few couple of days has gone by and the gang was planning on throwing you the biggest surprise party of your entire life. Actually it was really Dustin's idea anyways.

You: Oh wow thanks guys for everything! I wish Mike could be here but ever since the big break up and everything, things has gone solo.

Lucas: Let him be a party pooper.

A few hours has gone by and everyone was enjoying themselves. Until Mike rang the door bell in surprise to see you.

You: Mike. Have you've made up your mind?

Mike: I tried to shake it off but I couldn't. So I'm just going to accept it.

You smile with open arms and hugged your boyfriend. A few days later has gone by and it was about that time. But when your dad announced that your not moving, your face lit up.

You: Are you serious that's great! Damn great!

Dad: I hope this doesn't hurt your dignity.

You: Forget my dignity! This is the happiest thing that's ever happened to me!

You gave your dad a kiss and told Mike and his friends the good news.

Mike: That's excellent news!

You and Mike twirled around while hugging. All you could say was that your blessed.

Finn Wolfhard, Richie Tozier, and Mike Wheeler Imagines Where stories live. Discover now