Let Daddy Make You Feel Better (Finn Wolfhard)

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It has been a tiring day at school! You have had enough bullying from your peers, and other people. All you need was your finny boo. Aka (vanilla daddy!)

Finn:  Hey baby how's school?

Finn  snuggled on

You:  I-I don't wanna talk about it.

Finn:  Come now baby what's bothering you?

You showed him your knuckles and it was battered and bloody.

Finn: BABY! What happened?

You:  I-I got bullied at school today the girls were very mean.

Finn: Awww princess. Come here and let daddy make it all better.

Finn bridal carried you all the way upstairs to the bathroom. He got out a first aid kit and bandages.  You winded when he cleans it first.

Finn:  The first thing to do is to clean it or it will be an infection baby.

You slowly nod and have the jitter bug. Because the way he was cleaning your wound was cute.

Finn:  There ya go baby all smiles now?

You nod your head making cute little uppie hands for cuddles. Finn smirks and sleeps with you all day.

Finn Wolfhard, Richie Tozier, and Mike Wheeler Imagines Where stories live. Discover now