My Hero (Richie)

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You were out and about walking. Until Henry and his goons surprised you out of nowhere.

Henry:  Come here you little bitch!

Henry grabbed his knife walking towards you in a faster pace as you did the same.

You:  Get off of me get off of me!

You struggle to break free as one of the gang members grabs you.

You spat on his face.

Henry:   Little bitch! I'm gonna cut that fucking stomach of yours and carve out my name!

He grabs his knife and deeply about to make the rest of his letters by then you had the urge to kick him. You rolled away and started running.

Henry:  Get her!

The gang did what they were told and chased you. You pace your way down the lake and bumped into this guy in black hair and glasses that happened to be Richie.

Richie:  Holy shit what happened to you?

You:  P-please help me.

Richie:  H-hey your that girl in my-.

The kids knew Henry was the one who did this to you. They knew what to do.

Richie: ROCK WAR!

The gang threw rocks at Henry and his gang. They finally gave up and ran off.

Eddie:  Wow that was close!

Then all of a sudden, you passed out in

Richie:  Guys to my house move!

They all helped Richie with you and head straight to his house. His parents were away from vacation so they don't have to worry about anything.

Richie:  In my room!

Eddie ran upstairs to the bathroom to get out supplies.

You: R-Richie?

Richie:  Shhhh. Hey it's ok y/n your gonna be fine. I'm just glad you aren't dead.

Eddie came back with the next five minutes with the things in his bed. He sat it on Richie's bed.

Eddie: Y/n. Mind if I see your stomach please?"

You nod your head as Eddie lifts your shirt half way. You wince as Richie held your hand.

Richie:  Shhhh it's ok I'm here.

When Eddie was about to begin cleaning your wound with alcohol rub, you scream in pain until Richie shushed you. 

Richie:  Hey over here gorgeous look at me.

You look in his deep dark hazel eyes. He couldn't be more of an asthenic human being in the world.

Eddie:  Ok all finished.

Eddie discards the scraps in the trash can.

You:  Thanks for saving me today guys.

Richie:  Your welcome I was just glad you are ok.

You:  Your my hero Tozier.

Richie let out a little smile as you did the same thing. He slowly leans into you and kissed you on the forehead gently. And stayed with you.

Finn Wolfhard, Richie Tozier, and Mike Wheeler Imagines Where stories live. Discover now