(New!) Lance x Reader {20}

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S 6 spoilers!

This is my new writing style that i feel has improved. Lance is in his game form (where he was a thief and had the dog ears) from season 6

(Y/N) P.O.V

While i was helping out Allura and Lotor, i couldn't help but wonder where Lance and the others where. You could say I had a small crush on the flirt, but i kept it secret, of course.

Once Lotor left, Allura and I decided to go to the main room in the castle (sorry if this is wrong i forgot half the episode). When we made it, Pidge, Hunk and Coran where sitting, playing some sort of Altean board game. Before we asked what they where doing, a voice behind us did instead. 

"What the heck type of game are you guys playing?" 

I heard Lance's voice behind me as i slightly jumped from his appearance.  

"Why dont you read this book to find out!" Coran shoves a large book into Lances face.

"No way am I gonna read to play some stupid game!. Lance seamed annoyed and sat on the couch next to me. My face slowly heat up as he was relatively close, his arm touching mine.

Lances P.O.V

I glance next to (Y/N), her face was a light pink, which made me wonder what she were thinking about. 

"Well, how do you play it?" Allura asked.

"You make your own character, and choose quests to accomplish with a 20 sided die, but the most enjoyable part, is what goes on in the mind!" Coran explained

"Well, it sounds stupid, i have better stuff i could be doing."

"I like the sound of it. Creating your own avatar sounds pretty cool!"

 I blush as (Y/N) disagreed with my statement. If she where going to play, than i wanted to play along with her. yeah, i did have a small crush on her, scratch that, HUGE, crush. 

"Well, I guess i'll play, I've got nothing better to do anyways"

We where handed an electronic phone like object to create our characters.

 ~~~Le Time Skip~~~

When I entered the game, I saw Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Allura and (Y/N). I decided to sneak up on (Y/N) with one of my smoke bombs. As I appeared behind her, i saw she had (f/a) (Fav Animal) ears.

"Hey, i like your ears" I smirk, lightly petting her ears as she quickly turns around in shock.

(Y/N) P.O.V

Lance snuck up behind me and started to pet my (f/a) ears. I jumped back in surprise and looked at his fantasy character.

"Well, i could say the same about yours" I say, giving his ears a light pull.

My confidence was gaining when talking to Lance, mostly because we where in a game that would slightly change our personality. I was a half (f/a) half human swordsman with mummy wrap around my chest that made me look like Erza Scarlet                  (http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/erza-scarlet/images/33449459/title/erza-scarlet-photo)

 Lance slowly eyed me head to toe, making me slightly blush.

"Nice outfit~" He said slightly seductive.

I knew he was a flirt so i ignored it. I continued walking with the crew, feeling Lance stare at me from behind as we walked. 

'Man is he a perv' i thought to myself, slowly making my way to the front of everyone so he would stop staring at me.'But boy do i love him'. We made it to a tunnel as Allura used one of her arrows to light the tunnel.

~~Another time skip to after Coran Becomes the Dragon~~

 Lance's P.O.V

Coran turned into his dragon form and started to corner (Y/N) than quickly turned around, hitting her with his tail. Her health bar quickly decreased as she hit the ground. I acted fast and grabbed bridal style off the ground, than threw one of my smoke bombs. We transferred to a high platform where we could look over everyone.

"Are you alright!?" 

Her body was slightly limp as I shake her around.

"Yes," She covered her mouth, "But your shaking is making me nauseous"

I come to a stop and apologize. I look in my inventory for anything to help her. 'C'mon, anything' i find an item called healing shot and pull it out.

"This might pinch"

I say before pricking the needle in her arm. She slightly winced since it was a fairly large needle (plus Lance probably doesn't know how to put a needle in someones arm, or anywhere for that matter). 

I watch as her health bar is slowly restoring. I pull her up after her several attempts at getting off the ground. She was now sitting on my lap, still slightly weak. I stared into her (e/c) eyes and pulled her into a kiss. Her eyes went wide, but eventually gave in and kissed me back.

When she pulled away, her health was fully restored as she kissed my cheek.

"Wish me luck" she said, hopping off the platform and began slashing her sword at the dragon.

We eventually beat him as (Y/N) Ran into my arms and planted a quick kiss on my cheek.

"So.....Are we a thing now?" I ask her, still in my arms.

"No" she said, my ears slightly lowering, "I'm messing with you! Of Course we are!"

I smirk and tackle her to the ground, right before our minds left the game.

 I hope it's an improvement! it's probably still not very good but i am writing this on my phone so it might have lots of auto corrects.

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