Preferences: {How They Sleep With You}

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Contains: Fluff. Also, i decided to delete some of my old chapters and might re-write them.


Shiro's a respectful space dad and gives you as much space as possible( gentleman 💯👌) to where he's practically off the bed. But once he falls asleep, he'll find his way to you and cuddle you, his legs intertwining with yours.


Yes, Lance is a flirt on the streets, but a gentleman in the sheets. Like Shiro, he gives you enough room for your comfort, but always asks before getting closer to you. When you accept, he spoons you, and occasionally plays with your hair.


Keith, the soft emo space child (who is gay outside the fan-fic world) is actually a cuddle monster. He'll usually want to be under the covers like a dog, so his head is always pressed against your thigh, while he hugs your leg. When he feels like it, he'll come out from the covers and lay underneath you like a pillow.


Of course, hunk is a giant teddy bear, always looking for a cuddling opportunity. When he sleeps with you, he gives you a giant bear hug, completely surrounding you in his warmth. Even when you kick him in your sleep, he fights through it, just to keep you comfortable (Again, gentleman 💯👌).


Pidge isn't much for cuddling. It's just a part of her personality, which you didn't mind.Every now and then, Pidge would wrap her body around your arm (so smol).

Should I add Lotor?

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