Lotor x Child! Reader Part 2

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Alluras P.O.V

I noticed how Lotor and (Y/N) never seem to get along. That MUST change or Lotor might get rid of her which cannot happen.

I held her in my arm, patting her head as she curled in a ball on my lap. 

"(Y/N), do you want me to talk to your father about what he did to you?"

She rapidly shook her head no and started to cry. 

"He'll get mad at me and might hurt me again!"

I sigh and bring her to her room, and place her in her bed. I was thinking of a plan to get Lotor to understand why he should be nice to his daughter.

A while ago, the paladins of Voltron told me of a place on earth called Disney, where family's go to 'bond' with each other (WE HAD A BONDING MOMENT). I bought two tickets and headed towards earth on our ship, not telling (Y/N) or Lotor to keep it a surprise

We were thousands of galaxys away from earth, so I hope that Disney will still be around in 4 years (your 9 in this btw). 

(Y/N) P.O.V

4 years later'

I had just turned 13 when I found out about Mom taking us somewhere on Earth, but she never said where.

"Hey dad, do you know where we're going?"

Recently, Lotor has been, out of character. Instead of being a jerk to me, he's been, okay. I was guessing Mom had a talk with him.

"Well, i'm not sure, but wherever it is i'm sure you'll have a good time."

I sighed, knowing he wasn't acting this way on purpose, im sure Mom is behind this.

"Dad, are you, okay?"

He glared at me, eyebrows furrowed and nose snarled"

"What do you mean? do i look different? Is my hair messed up? Why do you ask?"

I shiver, hoping my reply wouldn't anger him.

"Your being so kind to me, ever since I were little you were always a jerk to me. Im guessing Allura talked to you and said to pretend to be nice to me-"

I was cut off by Lotor hugging me tightly.

"Yes, you're an annoying, pesky, bratty-" 


i cut him off.

"Sorry. You CAN be an annoying pesky, bratty child, but I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

I smiled and hugged him back. When he let go, he looked at the ground and smiled. 

"But most of this is because your mother had a talk with me.

I was pissed and lightly punched him rapidly, jokingly. I then stick my tongue out and walk to my room.

Part 3 at disney?

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