Keith x Reader {Wolves}

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(I was just listening to Selena Gomez so i decided to write a story sort of based off of the song Wolves) 

Semi spoilers!!!

(Y/N) P.O.V

I was just like everyone else on the team. A strong paladin who helped the people of the universe by defending on Voltrons side. There was one thing that scared me though, the other paladins finding out about my secret.

I wouldn't call myself a werewolf. Yes, i do act like a wolf on a full moon, but i don't become one. I might wander into the forest and hang out with wolves like a member of their pack, and they don't even care i'm a human.

After a long and tiring hour in the training room, I headed to the main room and sat on the couch, were Lance and Keith were having one of there signature arguments about non sense (by the way this is when Keith came back and before they evacuated the castle).  

While I waited for their non sense to end, i got down from the couch and onto the floor, where I began to pet Keith's cyber wolf. Allura came bursting through the main rooms door, a wide grin spread across her face. 

"I cannot believe it! Every 100 years a full moon lands on a planet called Cerberus! It's filled with tones of creatures you humans call wolves and dogs! It's so beautiful and I believe it would be excellent for us to visit it!" (rip reader Chan with this "so convenient" situation)

My stomach turned into a knot as I swallowed the air stuck in my throat.

"Well, i don't know, what if something happens while we're gone?"

Keith's P.O.V

(Y/N) was never down for an idea when it came to exploring, and It's unlike her to be afraid of wolves, considering she can't spend a second away from mine. 

"Maybe it'll have some affect on lance to make him shut up for once"

I say, glaring at the annoying Cuban.

"Yeah well, maybe it'll"- "don't even bother Lance" Pidge cut him off, slightly snickering.

I lightly smirk and look over at (Y/N).

"So, why don't you want to go?"

She seamed a bit nervous of me asking her this, her face lightly sweating. 

"I guess, I'm just a bit nervous about if Lotor were to try anything while we're gone."

Allura budged in our conversation

"I'm glad that your concerned about the people, (Y/N), but it'll be fine, besides, we're heading there now"

 (Y/N) sighed, and began hugging a pillow.

~~~Time skip to the Planet (brought to you by Chat Noir and Ladybug)~~~

(Y/N) P.O.V

I looked out the window as the castle landed on the planet, seeing hundreds of wolves wandering around.  the sight of the sun setting was making me nauseous, knowing what would happen at the full moon. 

When getting out of the ship, I walked by Keith's side, since i had a crush on him, and he was the only person i wouldn't freak out if he found out. I saw a nearby forest which would be a good escape route. We carried a few blankets out from the ship to make a nice cushioned area to sit while watching the moon rise.

Once Pidge, Lance and I finished making a mini fort, i felt the top of my head start to hurt. I freaked out, as that was one of the symptoms to my ears growing in. the same pain started occurring at my tailbone as i sprinted as fast as I could into the forest.

"(Y/N)! Where are you going!?"

I heard Keith's voice yell out to me, but I kept running.

My ears and tail had just finished growing out as I met a pack that let me join. We all sat around a den, chewing on bones and scratching fleas out of our fur. I heard a voice calling something out from the distance, but i couldn't tell what they were saying since it were muffled by the cave.

I walked out of the den, the pack following close behind. I look about 60 feet to see Keith, standing still with a scared and confused look.


His confused voice made me realize that he had seen me in my form, but i didn't run. I wanted to see him, and hug him for some reason. 

I ran towards him, on all four with my tail tucked between my legs and my ears pointed down, the pack following behind me. I jumped on him with a full embrace, knocking him to the ground. He looked shocked (your body was human, aside from the ears and tail, so you were sprinting on your arms and legs, i'll add a drawing if you don't get it) as you licked his face. just like a dog would. 

Keith's P.O.V

I didn't know how to react. (Y/N) just sprinted at my on all fours, with a tail and ears, is lying on top of me and now licking my face. 

"Are you some sort of were wolf?"

She quickly sat up, allowing me to get off the ground.

"S-sorry about that." Umm, yeah, you could call me a were wolf."

So this is why she didn't want to come to the planet. She didn't want to reveal herself.

"I know, you probably think i'm a big weirdo-"

I cut her off by grabbing the neck of her shirt, passionately kissing her lips. She wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed back, eventually pulling away for air (CURSE YOU LUNGS FOR RUINING THE MOMENT) I looked into her (e/c) gaze (eye color) as her cheeks tinted pink.

"I love you" we say at the same time, before heading back to the castle, hand in hand.

(Again sorry its trashy, but, could I have some requests?)

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