the beginning.

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music is up there ^ if u can't see it lmk.
edit; 8/31/21; i took out all of the character pictures so you can use your own imaginations, i'll throw in the outfit however and maybe create a moodboard for each of them this week so you can get a feel for each character's vibe.


"Lukas, if you ever want a real relationship I'm telling you, you have so got to stop taking your boyfriends' money."

Loren whispers as she gestures wildly to the naked man sleeping in my bed, then to the fair wad of fifties I'm casually slipping into my Batman wallet.

"Okay, one, you know I don't want a relationship. Two, it's not like I'm completely emptying out all three of his bank accounts which I'm positive have at least a few hundred grand each. Three, I slept with him, do you hear church bells? Me either."

Loren shakes her head, all but done with my shit and not bothering to push me farther, as she walks up to the man— I think his name was Jordan. No, maybe it was Jason? It was a J name if I can remember that much. Loren makes a ridiculously startled face and retreats to my doorframe when the J named man starts to stir making me laugh and drop the unlit cigarette from between my lips.

"Well, that's enough of that. I'll be in my room, come get me if there's a sale at Urban. Otherwise, you better not bother me, Lu."

I wave off my little sister's commands, not really paying any mind to what she said, as I turned my short attention span to the rich white man lying under the wine sheets. He groans as he rolls onto his side to face me. Slowly, I sit down on the bed beside him, tilting my head and lifting another cigarette to my mouth while he yawns. Justin —oh fuck, Justin is his name—opens his eyes and smiles when he sees me.

"Hey, gorgeous."

Justin whispers when he sees me. I give a fake smile. I know that greeting so well, it's what guys say when they don't remember my name. In all fairness, I forgot his name for awhile too so no judgement from this corner of the awkward room.

"Hi, Justin. I, uh, gotta get to school but feel free to make yourself breakfast if that's your thing. We probably have... something, somewhere."

Justin sits up and runs a hand through his blonde hair. He is kind of attractive but at the same time, he's really not. His freckled face and softly chiseled jawline were decently cute but I wouldn't give him more than that. Someone else might think he's the hottest guy ever, but for some reason I've never found anybody super hot, you know? I mean, I don't really have a type. Semi-hot rich guys are good in bed and all, plus the perks, but personality-wise I have no idea what I look for.

"You're still in school?"

"Yeah, I'm eighteen. Senior in high school."

Justin nods, seemingly trying to hide his surprise as he looks around my room. The conversation about my age is usually brought up, whether it's before or after we fuck. I probably couldn't count how many times I've had to explain I'm a consenting adult on two hands. I need to get out of here before it gets too fucking awkward, regardless of if that moment's already passed.

I spare a glance at the small oval mirror mounted on my desk, physically cringing at the sight of my disheveled sex hair and the circles that seem to get worse every day underneath my eyes. Why is my hair so gross? Grabbing my backpack off the floor I flip Justin off halfheartedly in a goodbye as I leave the tension filled room. Lighting my cigarette then slipping the black bic lighter into my jeans pocket as I leave the old house I let my hands find their way to my hair, trying their best to smooth it out or figure even a minuscule way to tame the damn thing.

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