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scroll if needed loves.

this is James
model: brian whittaker
i listened to this while editing and um, best decision ever.

EXPLANATION: there's no smut in this chapter because it just didn't feel okay to write it so soon for people that clearly aren't ending up together. it sounds weird but i just couldnt do it, i was stuck for so long trying to figure out how to write it but i just couldn't.

or maybe i'm just not fucking confident enough in my smut game, who knows.


let's do this babeys.

- my back hurts


"Shit, Sabrina's home."

Marcus whispers when we pull up at his house. Which, for the record, is much nicer than mine. Sabrina is Marcus's older sister, she's gotta be at least nineteen now or something. Sabrina and I never really talked when I used to come over since she was pretty quiet. I suppose I am too sometimes, as I think we all are.


"So, she'll tell my mom. My parents basically threatened my life last time I skipped school to do this. Not that I'd ever regret you, I just don't exactly want to die."

That's where he and I differ. For one, I don't have parents that are around to care. Two, death is inevitable therefore why would it bother me? It doesn't.

"Marc, calm down. We can just fuck in here."

Marcus turns to me, eyebrows basically raised into his damn hairline, and he opens his mouth. He was probably going to object but then it seems he realized we don't really have another option unless we want to go our separate ways sexually frustrated.

"Hell alright, Lu. Just..... how? You're pretty short but I'm totally not."

I glare at Marcus similar to the way I did Raymond merely minutes ago as I reach down to the side of his seat and find the little handle to push his seat all the way back. This needed to be done otherwise we'd be too close to the wheel. I want Marc's dick in my ass not the fucking steering wheel, ya know.

"Then I can just ride you. Sound good?"

Marcus snorts as he laughs and nods eagerly.

"When would I ever say no to Lukas fucking Vesper riding my dick? Oh that's right, I wouldn't because I'm not an idiot. Now come on let's do this."

I half smile at Marc's enthusiasm. That guy has always been eager when it comes to having sex. Though I suppose that's where our relationship took a turn for the worse. He wanted sex when we were around twelve or thirteen and I didn't want it yet. I never planned on having sex until I was legal and I stuck to my plan. People think I'm a whore and I mean— sure I am, but at least I waited until I was a legal whore.

Marcus wasn't my first. I actually hated him for awhile after we broke up. I didn't understand why he'd gone off with some random guy just to fuck him when he promised he'd wait for me. It had hurt, as it would've hurt anyone, but it hit too close to my past for me to even look at him for the longest time. I stayed far away from Marcus for almost a year. He went from being the only person I wanted to see to being the one person I dreaded bumping into.

I'm snapped out of reminiscing at the sound of Marcus undoing his brown leather belt and tugging his rough looking jeans down just enough to slip his dick out of his boxers.

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