don't be fooled.

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welcome to chapter 3
this is Cast (i dont know model's name but he kind of looks like marco mignot)

and then this is his outfit

update: 8/6/18; this aint an update i just forgot the period in the title lmao sorry @ those who actually care about this story which is prolly no one but oh well💀☕️

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update: 8/6/18; this aint an update i just forgot the period in the title lmao sorry @ those who actually care about this story which is prolly no one but oh well💀☕️


"Get your fucking hand away from me before I lose my shit."

I nearly yell as I glare up at Raymond. What the hell does this crazy bitch think he's doing?

"What the fuck are you, like a wizard?"

The four other men in the room laugh. Mr Anderson's slight laugh, Cast's creepy giggle, Raymond's deep chuckle, and James's loud cackle all syncing together.

"Jesus Lukas he's not friggin Harry Potter, calm your tits."

Cast breathes out between laughs. Oh. Then what the hell is he? There is no way he's normal, a normal person doesn't just touch a random person's face and leave a sparky feeling behind. Maybe I'm just hallucinating or having a psychotic break. God I knew it would happen one of these days.

"Okay then will one of you tell me what the hell is actually going on?"

The laughter dulls down until all that's left is a somber silence in its place. All heads seem to turn to Raymond to answer my question. I stare up at the large man who still stands in front of me. Raymond lets his eyes wander from James to Mr Anderson and finally down to me when he seems to realize he has to be the one to explain.

Goddamn, those golden eyes of his are so intense. I don't know why they effect me so much but when he looks at me I just feel like I'm shaking and he's the one I need to hold onto. I've barely ever felt shit for anyone but looking at those eyes I just feel something.

I just met him, what the fuck?

"You'll understand soon, Lukas. But right now that's the only thing I can tell you. I'm sorry."

The glare finds its way back onto my face.

Fuck my feelings.

"Right.... yeah, okay. Well, bye."

It doesn't seem there's any reason for me to stay in this office anymore. What Raymond said makes absolutely no sense and it's completely pushing me to the limits of my mind. I'm not just pissed with him though I'm pissed with the others as well. Why couldn't they tell me what was going on? Clearly they knew something.

Whatever, I need to just move on. It's not like they're relevant in my life. No one is at this point. My feet seem to know just where to carry me as I walk down the halls, heading for the parking lot since I still have my bag.

"Life is fucking frustrating..."

I whisper to myself as I walk the halls with purpose, counting the light and dark red square tiles in my aching mind as I do.

"Vesper, where you off to?"

The semi-deep voice gives away the person's identity easily, having remembered it after all this time of making him moan. I roll my eyes as I turn around and smirk at the tall figure that is Marcus Woodley. He's one of my fuck buddies that I've had for awhile but we also used to date way back in like seventh grade or something. I'd never want to date him again though, sure he's a good fuck, but he is absolutely not dating material. I've learned that first hand.

"Well I was just gonna head back to my house for the day. Shit's too stressful here, ya know?"

Marcus nods in understanding and steps closer, so I have to look up at him if I want to see his face. I'm really not that short don't get me wrong, but I'm also not tall either. Especially not compared to Marcus who's maybe six feet tall.

"You know, maybe I could help you with that. Last I checked there's a vacancy in my bed. You down?"

The smile on Marcus's face levels into a full on smirk while I shake my head and laugh. He really does always know what to say.

"You always have been a straight-forward one, haven't you, Marcus?"

Marcus nods as he slowly trails his hands down my sides, leading to my hips. This might be just what I need, a distraction from what happened earlier. Marcus chose the perfect time.

"Straight-forward but definitely not straight. So what do you say, Lu?"

There's no stopping the grin that makes its way onto my face as I nod and place a teasing kiss to Marcus's prominent jawline.

"I'm down."

Marcus held me close to him, enveloping me in his body heat as we snuck out the back door together. I knew from other times that he kept his car in the back, just in case he decided to leave early. I also knew that Mr Anderson had cameras installed at all of the back exits when he found out Marcus and I skipped so much.

That sure as fuck didn't stop us though.

I let myself into his old blue Nissan, feeling comfortable since I was the first person he ever even showed this car back when he first got it. Marcus and I were never really close, especially because of what tore us apart, but we definitely had our times. Marcus hops in the front seat and puts his keys in the ignition.

"If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by? Cos you know I'd walk a tho-"

Marcus slams his hand on the off button when that song plays out through his car's speakers. I cover my lips with my hands to hide the huge smile plastered on my face.

"You never heard that....right, Lu?"

"Nope, I never heard A Thousand Miles playing at full blast in Marcus's car from his CD of old music."

Marcus scoffs as he pulls out of the designated students parking lot.

"You're a real piece of shit, you know that, Vesper?"

I sigh and lean back in my seat, rolling down the window so I can feel the cool breeze against my face.

"Oh, I know. You'll still fuck me though, won't you?"

Marcus laughs and nods, reaching his hand across to gently grab my thigh.



no smut next chapter. there's an explanation.

i hate the way i write.

- t

edit -10/30/18-
sry if u get notifs for song updates

1/13/19 ~
this one too

i actually gave a hint to my name what. also its almost midnight and everyone is pissed at me so what am i doing ? eating cereal and writing bitch.

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