Clearing the Mind

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Put on some music. It can be calm, happy, inspiring...Whatever you want 😊 I recommend the song above for quiet, cool mornings.

Now as hippie as it sounds, clearing your mind is important. Of course it helps with mental health. It can reduce anxiety, negative thoughts, and stress.

I love to go outside. It's so refreshing for the mind and the body. I love to go walking in the forest, down to the river near my house, and just think. Go outside to your favorite place. Be that a fountain, forest, field, meadow, park... Anywhere you like is fine. Even if you live in the city, you can go put on some calming music and take a walk around town.

Meditation is also very soothing. Even if you aren't religious, I'd highly recommend it. Personally, I'm Catholic, so I go to the Church down the road sometimes. My older brother does this as well. The walk to the Church is calming, too.

Praying is fine, even if you aren't religious. Even if you're atheist, you can still do this. Prayer is a way to think about what your problems are- maybe you'll even think of a solution 😄 If you don't, it's okay. Just know that everything will be alright. You have friends, family, loved ones, and a community... Hey, I could even be your friend! I'm always open to that.

Sometimes, I like to sit out on my porch with a cup of tea. If you aren't a tea drinker, juice or water is fine, too. I recommend herbal tea because of its medicinal properties and health benefits. I prefer pomegranate green tea and spearmint tea.

Another way to calm down and relax is to get a diffuser.

Follow the directions on your diffuser, but this is how mine works- fill the diffuser with 1 cup of water, add 3-5 drops of your preferred essential oil

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Follow the directions on your diffuser, but this is how mine works- fill the diffuser with 1 cup of water, add 3-5 drops of your preferred essential oil.

I use lavender because it's known to relax and soothe stressed people. (My dad says it smells like old ladies, though)

Use a sound machine or download an app on your phone with the sounds of nature, that is bird sounds, night sounds, water sounds, the sound of the river or ocean, etc.

Take a bike ride around your neighborhood. The fresh air in your face and hair is so nice~

That's all for now! Question of the day: How old are you guys? I'm 15.

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