Chapter 2

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"We should search the forest," Stephen suggested. "See if there's any more evidence of the creature in there."

"You lot do that, while I go and see if anyone in the hotel nearby saw anything," Cutter decided, patting Stephen's shoulder in a way that made sure no one would object. He then set off before anyone could say anything, leaving the other three alone.

They searched the area surrounding where they had parked the car for about fifteen minutes, and were about to venture further when Connor stopped them.

"Wait," Connor called. His cheeks tinged pink when both Stephen and Clara turned to look at him expectantly.

"What?" Stephen asked, sounding irritated.

"Come and look at this," he smiled, leading them to the back of the car. Opening his laptop, he loaded a site that looked very complex. Clara leaned closer to get a better look.

"What is it?" She frowned.

"This," Connor began proudly, "is my very own database for all information on extinct vertebrates. Everything you need to know is on here. Been working on it every spare second I get since I was fourteen."

"Impressive," Stephen marvelled as Connor clicked through some of his pages on the database. "But slightly sad." He then moved to the front of the car and searched the surrounding area.

"What do you think?" Connor directed his question at Clara.

"Stephen's right, it's very impressive," she complimented with a small smile.

"Thanks," the student grinned goofily. "Oh, look, there's the Professor. That was quick." He closed his laptop and stashed it in the car.

Clara turned to see that Stephen had circled back and was watching Nick approach them with a young woman. She had light auburn hair and a pretty face, and her brown eyes sparkled with content happiness.

"This is Claudia Brown, from the Home Office," Nick introduced. "She'll be joining us on our investigation."

"Knew it was a cover-up," Connor murmured to Clara.

"What's he talking about?" Claudia frowned.

"Connor never met a conspiracy theory he didn't like," Nick chuckled. Claudia shook her head, dismissing the immature student.

"Nice to meet you all," Claudia smiled, holding out her hand. None of the boys stepped up, so Clara did instead.

"I'm Clara Fields," she said, shaking her hand. "This is Stephen Hart and Connor Temple." Connor gave her an awkward wave while Stephen just casually nodded.

"We should get going," Cutter urged, and they ventured into the forest, constantly searching for anything that could link to a big creature being there recently.

Nick and Claudia talked back and forth at the back of the group; Connor was watching his compass intently, leaving Clara to make conversation with Stephen. "So," she started. "How's Alison?"

"She's fine," he shrugged. "Haven't really heard from her much, though."

"Must be busy with all those infectious diseases," Clara joked, but she stopped abruptly when she almost collided with Stephen. "Stephen, what is it?"

He pointed upwards and she followed the direction of his finger. A dead cow carcass was spread across the lower branches of a tree, some of its flesh missing - obviously eaten by something.

"Cutter!" Stephen called, and the rest of the group came running.

"Okay, now I'm getting interested," Nick stared up at the carcass.

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