Chapter 26

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A/N: pre-warning, the Latin used in this chapter is most likely not right. I used google translate, so please correct me if you know what it is :)

"So where is it?" Danny asked as the team walked down the main corridor towards the garage.

"Not far," Sarah answered, securing her bag across her body. Danny did a double take when he realised she was joining them.

"Where are you going?" He frowned.

"Oh, Danny, I am sick of working on the artefact," she rolled her eyes. "I need a break."

"No, no, no," he shook his head. "We need you here."

"Well, I'm coming," Sarah decided. Clara smirked at her brutal attitude towards Danny as they continued to the garage.


It turned out the anomaly was at a car scrap yard, full of stacks of cars, smashed up metal and massive cranes. The two silver four-by-fours pulled up in the middle of the scrap yard, where most of the cars were pretty dented. They got out the cars to find one of the workers in one of the massive cranes, trying to drop cars on a creature that looked like a dragon from children's fairytales.

"He's going to kill it," Clara noted, anger laced in her voice.

"This is madness," Danny hissed angrily as the worker almost landed a car right on the creature. "Come on!" They sprinted towards the crane, Clara and Danny standing on the bonnet of a car so the worker could see them.

"Stop!" Clara bellowed, while Danny signalled it by slicing his hand across his throat.

The crane stopped, dropping the car it had been holding to the floor right next to Danny and Clara. Danny turned to Becker. "Get him out of there!" He called. The soldier obeyed, pulling the worker out of the crane forcefully.

"It's injured," Abby sighed, joining Clara and Danny next to the bonnet. The dragon had some sort of wooden pole sticking out of its side, dried blood surrounding the wound. "We have to help it."

"Yeah, I was afraid you were going to say that," Becker announced, pointing his shotgun at the frightened creature.

Abby jumped towards the creature, standing in front of it fearlessly. "Abby!" Danny called. Clara tried to follow her, but Danny grabbed both her arms. "Clara, wait! Get back."

"I can help!" Clara protested.

"We've got to push it back through the anomaly," Danny decided. "If it's going to die, it's going to die in its own world."

"It's not going to die!" Abby said determinedly, cautiously approaching the injured creature. It backed away from her, clearly frightened.

"Where's the anomaly?" Danny asked.

"I don't know," Connor sighed, glancing down at his detector. "It's close."

"Abby?" Sarah called. "How is it injured?"

"It's got something stuck in its side," she grimaced in sympathy. The dragon suddenly sprinted towards her, knocking over the car that she was stood next to. Abby leaped out the way just in time, covering her head with her arms.

"Oi!" Danny coaxed, slamming the loose bonnet of a car down to attract the creature's attention. "Oi!"

"Danny!" Clara warned.

"All make a noise," he ordered. "Go on!"

"Grab something," Connor said, picking up a metal pole that was lying on the floor and whacking cars with it. The others followed suit.

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