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- Announcement -

First of all, I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read this all the way to the end. I know this was super long (I never realised how long it was until I finished it) so I really appreciate every single one of you who has read it, clicked the vote button or left a comment. As cheesy as it sounds, they really make my day and really motivate me to keep writing.

On that note, I have decided that there will be a sequel to this book — called Endangered — which will go through series four and five. Initially I wasn't going to do these two because (let's face it) they're not as good as the other three, but now I've thought about it there are some storylines I'm really excited to write!!

I already have a couple of chapters written, so I was thinking of uploading the first one on Saturday, to see how things go and how you guys like it. To be fair though, even if the sequel flops I'll still keep publishing, because it's been so fun to write!

Another thing — if anyone has anything they want clarifying in the next book, or any ideas on what could happen, please comment them!! I'm really intrigued to know what you enjoyed about this fanfic, and maybe what you didn't enjoy as much. It helps me progress and will allow me to make the next book even better for you all.

Finally I just want to say thank you again, and I hope you are all staying safe in these uncertain times. Sending lots of love to you all!!

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