Chapter 20

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Cutter studied the flying reptile through his binoculars, watching it closely as it swooped through the sky.

"What is it?" Clara asked curiously.

"Either a Pterodactyl or a Pterosaur," Nick squinted at the beast. He put his binoculars down. "It's probably a Pteranodon."

"Is it what killed the golfer?" She grimaced, trying not to imagine the mangled body she'd seen just half an hour before.

"I'd say it's definitely in the frame," Stephen confirmed.

"The Pteranodon was supposed to have only eaten small reptiles and fish," Cutter stated knowledgeably, returning the binoculars to his eyes.

"Probably just snacking until humans came along," Stephen scoffed, only half-joking. They continued to watch the beast, flinching a little when it let out a squawk.

"Why is it circling?" Abby frowned, shading her eyes from the sun so she could watch the Pteranodon glide seamlessly in circles.

"Looking for a roost," Stephen suggested.

"It's spoiled for choice," Nick agreed sarcastically. He paused, sighing. "It's certainly looking for something."

As they watched the beast, Stephen glanced down for a moment and frowned, starting forward. "Is that Connor?"

"What?" Nick said, lowering his binoculars.

"Connor," Stephen repeated. He pointed across the golf course, where the unmistakeable form of Connor Temple was bending over, clearly looking at something on the ground. Though it was hard to make out exactly what.

"What's he doing?" Abby sighed, worry evident in her tone.

"More importantly, what's our friend up there doing?" Nick asked, fixing his gaze on the Pteranodon.

"It's not looking for a roost," Stephen realised. "It's looking for lunch!"

"Connor!" Nick bellowed, followed by the other three.

"Connor, get over here, quickly!" Clara yelled. It seemed as though he couldn't hear them, as he didn't move away from what he was looking so intently at. "Damnit, he's not moving!" She groaned.

Nick turned to where Ryan, Claudia and his men were stood, at the previous golf hole. "Ryan! Come here for a minute!" The men sprinted over, while Clara watched as the great black shadow was swerving closer and closer to where Connor was stood. He'd finally noticed them all watching him.

"Get into the trees!" Abby shouted.

Stephen's voice rang across the green course as he cupped his hands around his mouth. "Run, you idiot!"

They watched helplessly as Connor sprinted as fast as he could down the green, coming towards where the rest of his team were. Ryan was readying his gun, trying to secure a target.

Claudia arrived, sighing as she registered Connor and the danger he was in. "Oh, no." She turned to Ryan. "Shoot it."

"No, no, wait a minute," Cutter interjected. "There's something about this that doesn't add up. I'm just not entirely sure what it is yet."

"Do it," Claudia commanded. Ryan rested the gun on his shoulder and held the sights up to his eye.

"No!" Cutter shouted. "We should only kill these creatures when there is absolutely no other choice."

"Choice?" Claudia scoffed. "What choice? In a matter of seconds, Connor's going to be ripped to shreds!"

"We can't take that risk," Stephen agreed, muttering into his friend's ear.

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