Prologue: Long Way Down

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Hands soaked in rainwater trembled slightly.

The world was washed out, seemingly devoid of color as the rain fell heavy across his shoulders - spattering his leather jacket as it made a soft squelching sound while flexing his arms. There was a soft roar in his ears from the downpour, muffled from the sound of his heartbeat that hammered against his chest - declaring war. Against what? Whom? He wasn't sure anymore.

Gray-blue eyes stared wide-eyed at his palms, youthful and flawless. Hands that he, at one point, had become so accustomed to seeing. Had believed he would see them forever, as well as the never changing world around him. Frozen.

They weren't the wrinkled hands of a man who had lived to be old an gray, ready to embrace death. These were the hands of a twenty-two year old, a young man still on the cusp of figuring out just who he was and what his purpose was in the world. The hands of a youth who still held onto the prospect of achieving his lifelong dreams and ambitions. Hands that, when he closed his eyes, could still see the bright crimson smatterings of blood staining the surface of his skin. The blood of his siblings - the massacre he, himself, had launched in an attempt to get his worthless father to finally open his eyes.

To see the monster that he had created. The monster the Gemini Coven's twisted practices had created.

He was a monster.

As he looked down and to the left, he saw the body of an old woman. Her eyes were closed, one hand resting over her stomach while the other stretched out, fingers curled slightly upward toward the sky. Like she had been holding someone's hand just moments prior. Her face, weathered from time, glistened a soft brown from the tone of her skin. Her dark hair had strands of silver in them, shining from the light of the moon overhead. She held a peaceful expression, a wisp of a smile touching the corners of her lips.

If her eyes were open, he knew they would have been green and sparkling with a fierce light that never faded in all the years he'd known her.


Squeezing his hands shut, his nails dug into his palms until he could feel the pressure; feel the pain as the skin was broken. Hands, now fists, continued to tremble as crimson leaked from between his digits and fell to the ground. The blood soaked into the ground and was immediately washed away - erased. As though it had never existed.

There was a deep rumble in his chest, his body shaking as violently as his fists. His lips spread into a sick, twisted smile. They spread further, a flash of his teeth appearing in the darkness before he erupted into a fit of manic laughter. Throwing his head back, he shut his eyes to the world as the rain fell against his face and his voice rang out across the vast emptiness. Wave after wave of laughter escaped into the night, matching the roaring sounds of the rainstorm.

Thunder clapped in the distance and it was at this moment that his laughter transformed into an enraged scream. He screamed so much until his throat felt raw and he screamed more. It felt like his throat was being cut, but he couldn't stop screaming. No one could hear him. No one cared. There was only the mountains and the forests around him.

Nothing...except for him.

He didn't know if he was crying or if it was the rain soaking his face. He didn't know and he didn't care. Only one thing mattered to him; the only thing that he was certain of.

His curse had followed him. The curse of his prison.

The curse of Malachai Parker.


AN: Okay guys. Here it is. It's Eden coming out with another story after years of not writing anything. Bonkai will forever and always be my OTP. Thank you donutworry and albion19 for being the inspirational source for this story. And thank you thefudge and mysticfalls-originals for helping me fall in love with fanfiction again. This is for you guys!

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