needs and care

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OK, so you've decided owning a human is something you can do, you can follow the laws and offer correct care for humans, good, now in this chapter I will list things that you will either receive or have to get for your human.

What you need

1. The sleeping cage - the sleeping cage is a cage with a simple human bed, I barely used it after I began letting them sleep beside me.

2. Well balanced amount of food

3. Proper eating and drinking utensils

4. Various toys and objects to entertain them

5. Body cover (humans call these clothes)

6. Local pet bath place

7. A local park so they can meet others

8. And self care items - my morph would always have twister cut and brush his hair with those self care items

So you have everything, now you just need to properly use these to care for your human.

Its easy always allow your human access to self care items, it helps with bonding with their pair.

Allow them to always seek comfort in their cage, the cups should be given to humans with water in it every chance you have, or when the cup has been empty for some time, and only feed them 2 times during a sun cycle, once when they wake up and again before they sleep. Also allow them to play with their toys when you are not going to be around.

Twister is absolutely sweet, but he didn't use to be, he would throw his toys about my place, refuse to eat and would only listen to morph, who would be sitting watching him, so when you take your pets home be prepared for the different ways they will react to all their requirements.

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