After the Mission

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This story was inspired by the picture above.
This takes place around the same general time as Infinity War, but a completely different story because infinity war killed my fav characters so I'm mad at marvel until they all come back to life. Also civil war never happened either, parts of it did but, none of the avengers are illegal or anything, so yeah this is really far from the cannon universe. They also look how they look in the picture not how they look in infinity war.
Now a little back ground:
So Bucky is living in the avengers tower right now with the rest of the team. He's not an official avenger but he joins them on certain missions.
Steve's POV

We finally finished a long, exhausting mission. Like usual we all went out to celebrate, still in our suits, well except Tony, and Bruce wasn't all hulked out any more. We had gone somewhere Tony had suggested, he said it was good.

We had taken up a large booth near the front window. Bucky and I were squished in the middle. Bucky was less than thrilled, personally I didn't mind much, especially since I was next to Bucky. I could never tell him how I felt, but I had developed quite a crush on him. Even if I hadn't he is my best friend so I'd be glad to be next to him either way.

We had been there for over an hour already. We had gotten there around eight thirty or so, and it was already nearing ten. The conversations were during down a little. It was all normal.

Until I felt something hit my shoulder, it didn't hit me hard and certainly didn't hurt, it just surprised me. I looked over to see Bucky passed out, asleep on my shoulder. He was so cute, I couldn't help but blush a little. I didn't want to wake him up, but I couldn't just stare at him all night, so I joined in on a conversation trying to ignore the whole Bucky thing.

That lasted about a whole two seconds. I noticed just how cramped we were, again I didn't mind much. But of course I decided to do something. Without really thinking I pulled Bucky into my lap, and moved to the middle of where the two of us where to make a little more room.

Tony was the first to notice, making a comment about Bucky being on lap. I can't quite remember what it was, something about us dating or saying it was like he was my girlfriend. I do remember he had said girlfriend instead of boyfriend if he had said something like that. I'd tried to ignore him, to no avail, I ended up with a blush taking over my face. Other than Tony there were a few confused looks, for the most part everyone just kind of moved a little so the extra space a made wasn't useless.

Soon I was over Tony's comment and we had started up a new conversation. After a few minutes, I wasn't really phased much by Bucky cuddled into my lap. This was around the time everyone had begun to slowly leave, one or two would leave and few minutes later another would leave as well. Soon enough everyone had left, except Natasha and I, Bucky of course was still there, no longer on my lap. After most of the group had left, I moved Bucky off my lap, and he had soon adjusted himself to be almost completely lying down on the large seat. On occasion shifting slightly or making some sound while he slept.

I was talked to Nat for a while before something else grabbed my attention. Bucky's head was in my lap, he was still out cold. I wanted to run my fingers through his long brown hair, I wanted to plant a kiss on his cheek, but all I did was blush and stare for a few seconds.

"You really like him, don't you?" Natasha's voice caught my attention

"Bucky? Of course he's my best friend" I replied hesitating slightly.

She sighed back "You know what I meant, more than a friend" She made eye contact with me. I did know what she meant and I couldn't lie to her.

"Mmmh" I heard the small sound come from Bucky as he rolled to his other side. Honestly Bucky wasn't really and attractive sleeper, he would make random noises, his mouth was open, he even snores a little, but to me it really is the cutest thing. I can't help but smile at him as he slept.

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