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This is part 2 of Britta (like two years later cause I'm a slacker)

Steve had just walked out of the coffee shop when he spotted a familiar fluffy face. He smiled and glanced up to see a brown haired man. James, or Bucky, he had a sort of nervous look on his face but Steve kept a cheerful smile.

"Hi Bucky." Steve gave a small wave.

"Uh, I... Um, th-these are for you." Bucky held out a small container of cookies to Steve, looking at the ground, "I-I didn't know what you liked, so there are a few kinds."

"Aww thank you." Steve smiled, he opened the container and grabbed a cookie, "Are these peanut butter?"

The brunet gained a panicked look, "Y-you're not allergic, are you? I-I'm sorry I just wanted to say thank you for-" Britta began licking his hand, "I di-didn't even think about if you had any allergies. Fuck I'm so stupid."

"No, it's alright. It's actually my favorite."

"R-really?" Bucky glanced up hopefully.

"Yeah." Steve gave an assuring nod and took a bite of the cookie, "These are really good. Did you make these?"

"Y-yeah." Bucky smiled, a pink color creeping onto his cheeks.

"Bucky!" A voice yelled, and a brown haired girl approached, "There you are. Why did you leave? Goddamn it. I can't leave you alone for two seconds."

"I uh, had to-" Bucky was interrupted.

"Oh my God! You must be Steve." The girl beamed looking at Steve, "You're even cuter than Bucky said you were."

Bucky turned bright red, "B-Becca!" He stuttered.

"What, it's true." Becca stuck her hand out for Steve to shake, "I'm Becca, Bucky's sister."

"I'm Steve Rogers. It's nice to meet you." Steve replied, excepting the handshake.

"Bucky told me you were handsome but I really wasn't expecting this." Becca smiled, "Thank you so much for helping Bucky out. It's nice to know that there are people looking out for my baby brother when I'm not around."

"Becca." Bucky had sat down and placed his face in his hands.

Steve chuckled a little, "I'm just glad he's alright."

"Well, I've got a few more things to get, if you're not done talking just meet me at that jewelry place down the road when you're done." Becca lightly smacked the back of Bucky's head, "It was nice to meet you Steve."

"You too, Becca." Steve smiled.

Bucky hid his face in his hands. He couldn't bring himself to look at Steve. When Becca was out of earshot Steve spoke up.

"Over protective big sister?" Steve chuckled a little.

"I'm actually older than her." Bucky mumbled, "Look, I-I'm sorry if that was awkward. Becca just says things, sh-she doesn't really think before she does."

"It's alright, she was cool. Besides, you're pretty cute yourself." Bucky turned red again, "Do you want to maybe get dinner sometime?" Steve asked.

Britta began licking Bucky's hand, slowly he began petting her head, "I... Uh... Y-yeah."

"Great, I can pick you up at six on Friday." Steve smiled softly at the other man.

Bucky smiled back, "O-okay."

"Then I'll see you then." Steve placed his hand on Bucky's shoulder and offered on last smiled before he left.

Bucky expected his heart to start racing faster, but it didn't. He felt calm. Calmer than he'd ever felt in years. Britta must have picked it up too, rather than tending to Bucky she began licking Steve's face while he was bent over. Bucky and Steve tried to get Britta off of him so he could stand up.

"Well, I'll see you Friday." Steve waved.

"Yeah. S-see ya." Bucky waved back.

Steve didn't know why he was so nervous for their date. He had never felt like this before. Sure he hadn't been on many dates in the past, but the thought of ruining things with Bucky terrified him. They didn't know each other that well yet, but Steve really liked the brunet.

Steve decided against driving. It was a short walk to Bucky's and to the place he planned for them to go. Besides he didn't know how Bucky would feel about driving. From what he knew Bucky walked everywhere. 

"Hey, Becca." Steve smiled.

"Hi Steve. Come in." Becca said, gesturing into the house, "You here for Bucky?"

"Yeah." Steve nodded.

"Buck, your boyfriend is here!" Becca called up the stairs. 

"He's not my boyfriend, it's just a date." Bucky replied as he began down the stairs.

He stopped halfway when he saw Steve. Bucky certainly hadn't expected his to be inside already, he had assumed that there had just been a knock at the door and Becca was making assumptions. He slowly continued and met Steve at the bottom of the steps.

"Hey." Steve said, offering a small wave.

"H-hey." Bucky replied.

"You look amazing." Steve didn't actually know what to say, Bucky took his breath away.

Bucky tried to hide the red tint in his cheeks, "Thanks. So do you."

Becca handed Britta's leash to her brother and nudged Steve's shoulder, "Take care of my baby brother, Rogers."

"I'm two years older than you." Bucky mumbled.

Steve laughed, "Don't worry. I will. Besides he's got Britta too."

"Let's just go." Bucky whined.

"Bye Becca. It was nice to see you again." Steve smiled at the younger woman.

"Don't have too much fun or I'll have to kick your ass!" Becca called after the two as they walked out the door.


"Alright, alright. Sorry." Becca rolled her eyes, closing the door behind the men.

"Your sister sure is something." Steve smiled, "You're okay with walking, right? The restaurant is close, so I thought it would be nice to walk."

"Yeah, I am." Bucky nodded, "Britta and I aren't big on cars anyway."

Steve glanced over at the dog and he noticed something it was small but it still caught his attention. Perhaps it had been there ever since he had first seen the dog and he was only now seeing it.

"Did you paint her nails?" Steve asked.

Bucky blushed, "Yeah... I-I know it's stupid, but she needed to look nice too."

"You're too cute." Steve smiled, "Is it alright if I hold your hand?"

Bucky didn't say anything. He took the larger man's hand in his own and interlocked their fingers.

I'm back bitches! And I wrote half of this like two years ago then picked it up when I started really getting into Marvel again so sorry if the writing style was a little all over the place I was 15 when I started this oneshots book.

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