Pride Parade

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Bucky had his hair tied back in a low pony tail, he wore black jeans, plain converse, and a pansexual flag t-shirt. He wanted to show who he was at the parade today, but he didn't want to go over the top. J.K. He went way over the top, pink, yellow, and blue colored belt, pan flag hat, and although no one can see then he was sporting some fabulous matching socks. His best friend, Natasha Romanoff was joining him at the parade, she wasn't a part of the lgbtq+ community, but she supported it one hundred percent.

"Jeez, think people will be able to guess you're pansexual?" Natasha joked.

Bucky smirked "Probably not, I think I should grab, the scarf and the necklace too, and roll up my jeans so everyone can see my socks. Maybe I should bring my flag and wear it as a cape too." He joked back.

"Shut up, we need to get going, even if you weren't joking around you wouldn't have time to grab all that." Natasha replied rolling her eyes.

"Bet." Bucky challenges her.

Natasha smirked "Alright, we need to be leaving the drive way in exactly sixty seconds."

Before Natasha could even finish her sentence Bucky was back in the house. Natasha watched her watch, ten more seconds.

"Start the car" Bucky chimed shutting the passenger side door.

"You almost missed it." Natasha smirked at Bucky.

"Yeah, well guess what I grabbed an extra item too." Bucky smiled looking at his assortment of new items.

"A flower crown and a beanie, real cute Barnes." Natasha rolled her eyes at Bucky's ridiculous outfit.

"Well if you don't want me to look stupid don't challenge me." Bucky replied. "Just be happy I don't own a tutu. Besides you're the one who wanted me to go to the parade." He stated.

"Well I was hoping you would meet someone, but not looking like that you're not." Natasha laughed.

"Oh, shut up, besides if they can't handle my over the top pride what's the point." Bucky explained fixing the new accessories.

"And that's why we aren't dating anymore." Natasha commented.

"All this was just to much for you?" Bucky gave her a goofy smirk.

Natasha just punched his arm and rolled her eyes "It was to much when you started wearing that ridiculous belt."

"That was third pan pride thing I bought." Bucky raised an eyebrow at her statement.

"Yeah, I know." Natasha continued "Regardless you look ridiculous."

"I look fabulous and you know it." Bucky replied to her comment.

Bucky and Natasha arrived at the parade and got ready with the rest of the large group of people.

"Natasha?" Natasha heard some on say while she put finishing touches on her 'love wins' sign.

"Steve?" She asked looking up from what she was doing.

Steve looked down to her "I didn't know you where part of the community."

"I'm not really." She explained "Just a supporter, I'm here with a friend."

"Oh, cool." Steve responded.

"I didn't know you where bi." Natasha added glancing down at Steve's pink, purple and blue shirt. "So do you like girls and boys, girls and non binary, all I know is you like girls, what else?"

Steve was quick to respond. "Boys and girls, stereo typical bisexual." He explained.

"Oh, I should introduce you to my friend." Natasha then called out to Bucky. "James!"

"Hey Nat, whats up?" Bucky asked jogging over.

"This is an old coworker of mine, Steve. Steve this is my gay boy, James." Natasha introduced the boys.

"Only part gay boy, James Barnes," Bucky said extending his hand to Steve "but you can call me Bucky."

"Steve Rogers, it's nice to meet you."

"You too." Bucky smiled.

Steve laughed a bit at Bucky's ridiculous outfit "That's quite the get up."

"Thanks, I like to show my pride in loudest way possible." Bucky replied, looking down and admiring his own outfit.

"Wish I could say the same. I almost didn't even wear this t shirt." Steve chuckled rubbing the back of his neck.

"If you'd like I have face paint." Bucky suggested.

Steve answered quickly, "No, I'm alright."

"Okay. Well enjoy the parade." Bucky responded.

The parade was definitely a lot of fun. Bucky ended up having the time of his life. He was glad Natasha had insisted he came, and Steve was pretty cool, and hot.

"Hey, Bucky?" Steve asked grabbing Bucky's attention.

"Oh, hey Steve." Bucky replied glancing up at the slightly taller man.

"I was wondering, well you're really cool and, and handsome, and well I was wondering if you'd maybe like to go on a date sometime?" Steve asked, now blushing beyond belief.

"Really? Yes! Definitely!" Bucky beamed "I mean, uh yeah, sure." He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, "So the crazy outfit thing didn't totally drive you way?"

"No, it's cute how excited you are about the parade." Steve admitted. "So uh does Friday work?"

"Yeah, I'm free." Bucky answered.

"Also, could I get your number?" Steve asked.

"Sure." Bucky gave Steve his number and the two finally parted ways.

Bucky and Steve ended up having a great time on there date. They went on a few more dates before they decided to officially become boyfriends. Not long after that Bucky moved in with Steve and they've been happy together since.
I take requests so if you want something just ask, and I'm debating if I might try to write smut so keep that in mind too.

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