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So I got this idea a while ago that what if Steve and  Bucky's story was just a dream one of them had, so I wrote this last night instead of doing my homework.

"Morning Buck." Steve laughed seeing his husband's disastrous hair.

"Morning Stevie." Bucky yawned, "How'd you sleep?"

"Good. You?" Steve asked as he pulled Bucky closer to him.

"Wonderful, because you were next to me." Bucky hummed with a smile.

"Don't be a sap." Steve playfully hit his lover's shoulder.

"You love it." Bucky rolled his eyes.

"I'm pretty sure I just love you." Steve replied, pressing a soft kiss to Bucky's forehead.

"Now you're being the sap." Bucky replied cuddling up to Steve, "I had the weirdest dream last night." he stated randomly.

"Really, what about?" Steve asked as he ran his finger's through Bucky's brown hair.

"We lived in the forties like around World War 2. Except you were really short and skinny. I left to fight in the army and you being the stubborn little b**** you are decided to go let some people experiment on you." Bucky began, "So then you got all huge like you are now."

"I imagine you enjoyed it." Steve commented.

"I hadn't even seen you yet." Bucky replied, "So I was captured by some creepy dude with a red face and you had to rescue me. That was when I learned that you were massive. So we start fighting in the war together but I fell off a train and died."

Steve chucked a bit, "Must've been real sad Buck."

"It was you cried." Bucky stated before returning to his story, "Then you crashed a plane into the ice and some agency found you, but it was now in the present. You're alive, and still only like twenty something. Then you find out that I'm alive, but now I have long hair and a metal arm. Also I'm an assassin and I don't remember anything. So I keep trying to kill you and you kept trying to get me to remember you." Bucky explained, "Of course you were stupid and almost died, but I finally remembered you and saved your a**. Then I just left."

Steve smiled and shook his head, it was cute how invested Bucky was in this story, "Interesting dream."

"I'm not even done yet. So apparently I killed another person so you come and find me. And this guy in a cat suit is trying to kill me because I killed his dad. So after this massive chase scene we're all caught and I'm being interrogated, but I get brainwashed and try to kill people again. After trying to kill everyone I go to escape on a helicopter, but you flexed your biceps so I crashed it and got my memory back." Bucky returned to the story, oblivious of Steve watching him in adoration.

"You crashed a plane because I flexed?" Steve laughed.

"Yes and it was a helicopter, keep up." Bucky told his lover, to invested in telling the story to laugh about what happened, "You and Tony are also arguing about this thing that I can't remember, it was probably stupid. So you go to war with each other and Tony has this metal suit. Then we escape after a battle that got most of our friends put in jail. We left to go find the guy who really killed the cat dude's dad. Turn's out it was the same guy who brain washed me. But when we go to defeat him he tells Tony that I killed his parents so Tony tries to kill me so we try to kill Tony. We won obviously, but Tony lived."

"Okay." Steve nodded.

Bucky continued, "Then we  go to this country where the cat guy lives and I go into a freezer because I don't want to hurt anyone. So after I get out of the freezer I start working on a goat farm."

"Sounds like something you would do." Steve commented.

"Shut up and let me finish." Bucky playfully punched Steve in the shoulder, "This giant space raisin looking guy is trying to get these stones so he can wipe out half the universe. So they pull me away from my goats to fight this dude. We get to finally see each other again, and you have a beard now. We have to fight the raisin's evil minions. Then the raisin comes and you try to fight him with your bare hands, which was stupid, so perfectly in character. Th guy finally get's all the stones and he snaps his fingers which get's rid of half the people in the universe. So I turned to this weird dust stuff."

"Is that it?" Steve asked.

Bucky nodded, "Yup."

"You're a dork." Steve hit Bucky with his pillow.

"Hey." Bucky laughed, he sighed,"You should grow a beard, you looked hot."

"Oh really?" Steve smirked, laying across Bucky's chest.

"Yes. Now get off you're crushing me." Bucky whined while hitting his husband's shoulder

Steve propped himself up on his hands so his weight wasn't on Bucky but he was still over him, "Love ya Bucky." Steve smiled.

"I love ya too Stevie." Bucky replied, pulling Steve in for a kiss.

Ta-da, this probably sucks but I had fun writing it so...

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