•Chapter Five•

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So this is the place, I think...

I looked up towards the shadowy building that was certainly out of place. It loomed fiercely in the sky, practically scaring off anyone or anything in fact. A matching gate too. Most definitely it was old and somehow, I wondered how messed up the inside was.

I scanned around the different sides of the building, looking for any doors that hopefully I could break in. There were multiple smaller and medium sized buildings that were connected to the main or so what I thought was the main. Most importantly there was a gate that even with all this trees around, I could climb over it. Reaching the main side of the gate, there was a large initials printed on it; DNA.

What's a DNA?? As I head closer to it, I saw the gate was broken up and on the ground, I assume those footprints were pretty fresh. Looks like someone already beat me to it.

Someone's already here. I better leave... I thought, as I heard a rustling in the bushes around me. Growls and rough scratching could be heard. Wolves..? Or. Or?

I walked back towards the gate, into the castle of skyscrapers before the creatures of the dark could maw me alive. What a mess I got myself in...

I reached for the flashlight in my bag and entered the main building. The door was already cranked wide open, signalling the mysterious other already here. It was dark inside with the corners of the room being infested with spiders and their webs. Most of the furniture had been flipped in different sorts of manner, computers as blank as the void, it makes me wonder what happened here. Like there was more history going on and that mysterious other is here too.

By chance, I reached the main room, where there was a dozen of empty seats and what looks like a main control room. I quietly entered inside, unsure the person had already entered this room yet.

"Ugh, where's the control room where Doji—"

I heard a voice electrically spark up outside from the hallway. I — as quietly as I could—  ran down to the bottom of the rows and hid right in a corner. Who in the world...

I could hear a couple of footsteps enter the room. My neighbor, the spider right next to me, just stared at me.

Soon I could see the front light up, revealing a luminous screen with the words: "Login:" with a static text box beside it,  underneath that: "Password:" with it's own static text box and a button with the word "Enter" on it.. Is this person looking for something too? Something in Doji's data files?

He typed in many different combinations of letters and numbers but no use, he wasn't getting anyway. There was a loud beep and red box that read: "Incorrect password, try again." Soon my head started ache again. It was by far the worse one as I hoped the person left soon before it got even worse. I bit down on my shirt's collar, hoping it'll cover up any noises I would spill out.

Soon the screen display some code that read: "Maximum incorrect passwords has been detected, disable user from logging in to server. Merci." Merci?

Soon the back lights where the mysterious person was standing at, lit up. I could see it's silhouette stand there in slight fear. "Who turned the power on..? Shit, I should go..."

The figure then left and slamming the door before disappearing. The footsteps where far from where I was as I let a relieved sigh out.

Soon new images began to flood my head, in searing pain. I blacked out.

• • •

"Merci? What kind of lame joke of a computer is that."

"Oh master Ryuga, it's no joke to say the least. Merci or ISDC5386292C4, is an outstanding piece of art.

"Oh is that so, I don't care. Just hurry up, times a ticking before Gingka—"

• • •

"Gingka..?" The name sounded too familiar, almost like I knew this person from another life. But the person who's point of view I look though, Ryuga, was it?

I absentmindedly walked up the platform and looked at the computer's mainframe. "ISDC5386292C4" I said to no one in particular.

With hazy eyes my fingers brushed on the keyboard, entering a combination of letter to make something I didn't know what it meant. My eyes felt so clouded that I didn't understand what was going on all of a sudden. What am I doing..? I'm just going to get it wrong like the other person. I didn't understand why I had so little self control at the moment and it scared me.

A box appeared on the screen. But before I could read it, a loud crank could be heard through the hallway. The rustic metal sound echoed loud, making my ears feel like bleeding. What's going on?

Soon a camera contraption appeared from a hidden panel that opened first. It rotated around a bit. It looked a little confused at it landed its sight on me.

"Bonjour, my name is ISDC5386292C4 or Merci for short. How might you be?"


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