•Chapter Six•

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"Just one more question..." I remember my voice said. "Just who am I? I'm thankful you answered my questions about Ryuga and Doji but—"

"Sorry Mademoiselle [Name], but even I did not know the details about who you are too. I know you'll eventually find out, that I can say for certain." Merci said.

I turn to look back at the building as I saw it disappear into the depths of the forest. The hold on my hand compresses the object I got from it, a Beyblade— a relic of the past that was rebuilt.

"Oh yes, before you leave, here." I could also hear the contraptions of gears twisting and turning. A box at the front reviewed a little of shiny object along with three different objects, one that looks like what Shu uses to beyblade with, a golden dragon etched thing and a USB. "As you see here, I want to give you Ryuga's  Beyblade, L Drago Destructor. I also in trust you his bey launcher and his bey holster. Also this USB will eventually be helpful."

"Why are you giving this to me?"

"Because it called for you, most certainly it'll help you find yourself, Mademoiselle [Name]."

Find myself... I repeat that once again in my head. I soon find a clearing from the very start of the entrance when I entered into the park. I slipped the Beyblade into my pocket as I walk back to Shu's with the rest of the things in my bag. There were people chanting, talking and even laughing with one and another but I couldn't hear them. There was something wrong and I couldn't figure out what. What exactly is different between me and them? I looked at the crowd, bitterness developing in me.

"But I still don't get it, why do I have dreams, or whatever it is, about this Ryuga person. I don't know him and he's long dead too—"

"Like I had said before Mademoiselle [Name], everything will come to be one day, but today is not the day. Eventually everything will be solved, it is you, who will have to wait and be willing to accept the answer."

I groan in frustration. Just how long is one day?

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