Chapter One

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"Uh oh, mommy and daddy are fighting again," Alex joked, as Clay and Justin walk into the busy lunch room, mouths moving a mile a minute.

Zach chuckles, and joins along. "I wonder what Justin did this time," he says, picking a fry from Jess' tray.

"Hey, hands off," she said, pulling her tray closer to her body. Zach rolled his eyes, and looked back at the bickering boys, who were approaching the table.

"No, I already told you, I'm not skipping, that's final," Clay stressed to Justin. Justin let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Why are you being so difficult? You're just like your mom. Calm down, it's not that big of a deal," Justin said, taking a seat. He knew he made a mistake as soon as those words left his mouth.

Everyone at the table lay in wait of what was gonna happen next. "Not that big of a deal?! This is my future at stake, are you joking?" Clay burst out. Justin rolled his eyes, and scoffed.

"Skipping a couple of classes isn't gonna jeopardized your future," Justin pointed out. Clay looked at him as if he could kill him at any moment. Justin wasn't intimidated though, he's very used to it.

"Oh my god, you two argue like a married couple," Sherri said, sighing. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"In case of a divorce, I choose living with mom," Zach said. Alex scoffed, and shook his head.

"I choose dad. At least he can take a chill pill," Alex said. Zach laughed at this, and put his hand on Alex's shoulder.

"Too bad his chill pills are actual pills," he said, making everyone else chuckle. By now, Justin had given up arguing with Clay, seeing as though he wasn't gonna win this one anyways.

"Oof, dad lost again, tough luck," Alex said, making Justin flip him off. Alex smiled innocently and continued to eat his lunch.

"Why did you want to skip anyways?" Jessica asked. Clay shook his head, and decided to ignore the upcoming conversation, still being mad that it was even a thought.

"Obviously he wanted to fuck," Ryan said, looking away from his phone. Clay started blushing, now tuning in. Justin scoffed, and ran a hand through his hair.

"I wanted to go sleep in, I didn't get much sleep last night," Justin said. Clay rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time that day.

"Why? Was Clay complaining about his ass hurting all night?" Ryan asked, looking in his pocket mirror. Clay blushed once more, and put his head down.

"You know we live under the same roof right?We could've basically been brothers if I hadn't turned 18 before the trial," Justin says, tilting an eyebrow. Ryan smirked.

"Not by blood though," he replied. Everyone at the table looked at him before Alex said "wow. I'm scared to know what kind of porn you watch." Everyone laughed, and Ryan rolled his eyes.

Zach checked his watch. "Oh, the bell's about to ring, and I have to take a pee" he says, standing up to throw his tray away. Clay stands without saying anything, and walks away. That was Justin's cue to get up and go after him.

"Clay. Please stop being mad at me," he said, once they were in the empty hall. Clay kept walking, arms crossed, and face stern.

"Cmon, don't be that way," Justin said, grabbing Clay's arm, making him jerk to a stop. Clay huffed, and refused to look at him. Justin ran his hands down the younger boys arms, and rested them at his waist.

Once Justin returned to the school, everyone picked up how much he and Clay acted like a couple. Or as Sherri said earlier, a married couple. They weren't official, and neither really picked up on their own behavior. Neither of them cared that this is not what normal friends do. Normal friends don't hold hands, or cuddle at night. And normal friends surely don't do what Justin did next.

The taller boy peppered kisses along the others face, making him scrunch his nose. "Justin," Clay whined, trying to step away from said boy, but Justin kept his arms around Clay's waist.

"Don't be mad at me, baby," Justin said, leaning down to tuck his head in Clay's neck. Clay blushed.

"Don't call me baby, you're an asshole," Clay said, trying to break free from Justin's hold. Justin stood up straight, and smirked.

"Alright, princess," he said. Clays cheeks were burning hot, as he turned away.

"Why do you think that's any better?" Clay exclaimed, walking to his locker to get his things.

"Cause you sure do act like one, you brat," Justin said playfully, earning a glare from the younger boy. He raised his hands in surrender, and stepped back.

"As disgustingly cute as this is, I think it's time to go to class," Zach said, making the two boys jump. They were too busy to notice when the group had made their way into the halls, and were watching the whole scene play out.

"You guys are perverts," Clay said, not putting too much thought into where they were.

"You're in school. A public place. This is high class- get it?- high class PDA," Zach replied, laughing at his own bad joke. The two boys rolled their eyes, and the group as a whole walked to their classes.

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