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Jisoo pushed back her swivel chair whilst stretching both her hands in the air, feeling quite satisfied with her tenth win streak. She then moved the chair closer back to her desk, before typing a quick 'ggwp' (good game, well played) to the chat and exited to the lobby before she had to deal with the immature players.

Before she joined another match, Jisoo looked to see if any of her friends were online. Her shoulders sulked and she pouted when none of them were active. She then moved the arrow to Jungkook's icon.

She hasn't been seeing Jungkook being online lately; the last time they conversed was way back when they agreed on a bet at the café, after that it seemed like they both were busy doing their own thing. Jisoo can't blame the latter though, the life of an idol was far from 'relaxing'.

Jisoo then glanced at the digital clock that was situated right on her nightstand. '11:38 p.m' it read.

"The next match could wait." Jisoo muttered to herself as she stood up, "I'm gonna go and get me some noodles." She heads out to the kitchen, and as usual, she was greeted by nothing but eerie silence.

Chills went up her spine as she passed by the hallways, and the fact that one of her members had encountered a ghost a few times before wasn't really helping. Jisoo decides to shrug off the uneasy feeling and headed to one of the cupboards, where they usually keep the noodles; but to her surprise, there were none left.

Her stomach grumbled on cue at the sight of the almost empty cupboard. Jisoo knew very well that it was Lisa who could've gathered the courage to consume the packs of noodles. She closed the cupboard and looked around the kitchen, hands on her hips.

She really wasn't feeling like eating spicy rice cakes right now. Jisoo sighed and ran her hands through her hair, "Welp, looks like I'll be taking a quick trip the convenient store then."

She went back to her bedroom, puts her black overside hoodie jacket before grabbing her wallet, phone, and a black mask. As Jisoo was heading out, she noticed a small white fluffy head at the corner of the room; Dalgom was awake and the poor fluff looked confused as to why their hooman is all dressed up.

"I'll be back in awhile Dalgomie," Jisoo says, "I just need to buy some noodles. So behave and go back to sleep." With that being said, she quietly closed the door.


If their dorm was creepy, then the hallway right outside was ten times worst. Everything was dead silent, like no other noise could be heard. Jisoo never got used to the eerie silence of the building; and though she never believed in ghosts and such, it still made her uneasy.

When Jisoo was finally at the end of the hallway, she spotted a familiar figure heading towards her.


Jisoo was surprised when the male looked up. Though she couldn't clearly see his whole face (since he was also wearing a mask), the latter was surprised as well.

"I didn't expect to see you, Jisoo." Hanbin said, "You're usually sleeping at this hour."

"Well, I just wanted to go to the convenient store and grab a few packs of noodles." Jisoo then noticed that Hanbin was carrying two plastic bags, one for each hand, "Are those for someone?" She pointed out.

"Oh, y-yeah.." Hanbin then looked down, "A-Anyways.. You want me to come with you? It's dangerous for you to be alone."

Jisoo shook her head. "Nah. I'm good, besides you already have to make a delivery, wouldn't want to bother yah."

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