33 | confrontation pt. 2

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The three people in the room quickly whipped their heads. Lisa barged right in the room with the two other girls trailing closely behind her. Jungkook immediately steps aside as the other girls came closer to Jisoo, pulling her into a group hug. The sight of the group warmed Jungkook's heart; he and his hyungs were like that as well, always looking out for each other's backs. Jin slowly approaches the younger, placing a hand on his shoulder as he whispers, "We should give them some space."

Jungkook nods slowly, eyes still fixated on Jisoo smiling as her members utter out words of concern. He and Jin started to walk to the door, which didn't go unnoticed by Jisoo. The older female stops Lisa's rant about something, looking past Jennie's shoulders as she reaches out to them, "You're leaving now?" She asks, her tone sounding rather disappointed and sad.

"No, I'll be back. Me and Jin-hyung will just go out to get something to eat." Jungkook says, as Jisoo lets out a discreet sigh of relief, "Alright. Don't take long." She says. The younger male nods before he and Jin head out the room. Once both of the boys were out of the room, Lisa wasted no time and proceeded to tease her.

"Must be nice to have a boyfriend, huh?" Lisa grins as she nudges Jisoo's shoulder. A hue of pink dusted across Jisoo's cheeks as she pushes the younger off the edge of the bed, "Keep quiet Lalisa." She says, trying to sound serious, trying her hardest not to smile.

"But what are you going to do about, unnie?" Chaeyoung chimes in, eyes filled with concern as she gazes at their oldest member, "The relationship is fake, right? How are you going to sort this out if Jungkook-ssi finds someone else?"

Jisoo pauses for a second. The members were all glaring at her with anticipation. A smile then graces her lips before fondly looking at Chaeyoung. "That's not the case anymore."

Silence then followed right after Jisoo had said those words. After putting two and two together, it didn't take them long to realize the meaning behind the older's statement. "WHAT?" Lisa and Chaeyoung yelled in shock and disbelief. Though not having an explosive reaction, Jennie was shocked as well. Flashbacks of what she had stated to the sasaeng proceeded to play in her mind. It felt like guilt shook her whole body as her stomach churned, as she was a hundred percent sure that the fan wouldn't shut up about it and keep it under wraps. Chances are, rumors would start to spread which would ultimately lead to the downfall of their relationship.

Jennie swallows hard as she continues to listen to the conversation.

"Sooo.. Everything wasn't fake? Ya'll actually liked each other from the start?" Lisa asks, hopping onto the bed again. Jisoo shakes her head, "It really only started out as friends then developed into something more." The regret and guilt started to boil in Jennie's stomach as she takes note of the fondness in both the older's tone and facial expression.

Chaeyoung couldn't help but sigh dreamily as she asks once more. "So, when's the wedding?"

Jisoo was immediately flustered as the other two members laughed, and she soon joined in their fit of their laughter. Despite the atmosphere in the room being all light and happy, Jennie felt the exact opposite. She knew that the worse has yet to come, and she isn't going to be prepared for the heartbreak and despair that will come with it. She then recalls the time she yelled at Jisoo for simply getting caught with the male, and though her emotions were quite understandable at that time, remembering it just added more guilt into her heart. She wasn't going to destroy the mood, so she only stood there, gazing at her members with a heavy heart.


Jungkook and Jin were heading back to Jisoo's room. In one hand, he carried a small carton of chocolate milk whilst the other had an already opened small plastic bottle of banana milk. Jin was carrying a variety of snacks in one plastic bags – the rest were for the other members of BLACKPINK. As Jin reaches for the doorknob, the duo comes to a halt upon seeing two masked men running towards them.

Once they were close enough, Jungkook could identify who these gentlemen were. From the countless times they have greeted each other backstage and from the many times he has seen their faces on TV, it was no doubt that the two men were iKON members Bobby and Hanbin.

"Is this Jisoo's room?" Bobby asked, breathless as he point at the door. Jin nods before twisting the door and opening in, the male did not waste any time and headed inside as Jin followed closely. Just as Jungkook was about to head in as well, but halts once he feels someone grabbing his shoulder. He gives a sideways glance and sees Hanbin glaring at him. He feels uneasy as he slowly turns around to face him.

"Is there-"

"We need to talk." Hanbin's voice was stern and had a hint of anger. He then turns and starts walking to the direction of the exit. Jungkook stood there dumbfounded for a couple of seconds before snapping out of the trance and proceeded to follow the male. His gut feeling was telling him that whatever conversation he was going to have with Hanbin, it wasn't going to end well.

With each step, Jungkook feel the weight on his shoulders become heavy as he gazes upon the broad back of Hanbin. The way he was talking just didn't sit right with the younger. 'What in the world does he want with me?' He gives it a thought, going back to the many times he has encountered his group backstage. He could recall that they shared nothing but short glances, tight-lipped smiles, and humble bows. Jungkook was also positive that he didn't post anything on SNS that was directed as an insult towards him. 'So why-'

"Just break up with Jisoo."

His train of thoughts come to a halt along with his walking as Jungkook perks up. He was too absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't realize that they were already outside the hospital, standing on an empty parking lot. His eyes widened at Hanbin's statement. The older male looked serious, and it seemed like he was ready to fight if he were to decline his request.

"What do you mean, Hanbin-ssi?" Jungkook asks, utterly confused and worried at the request.

"You've seen how she got hurt because of your fans." Hanbin states, his tone filled with anger, "If you break up with her now, she isn't going to get hurt in the future."

Jungkook was taken aback. Despite hearing the same request from Jennie, the way Hanbin was talking sounded rather harsh; thus, causing him to back up a bit.


Though the mask covered the majority of his face, Jungkook could see how Hanbin's eyebrows furrowed in anger when he declined the request. With clenched fists, the older male inquires, "Why? Is it because doing so is going to be the downfall of your popularity?" Hanbin suggests, "Or is it because it's going to ruin your image as a righteous person?"

Jungkook glares at Hanbin. His statements were ridiculous and far-fetched. The younger was starting to get irritated as the older continues, "There has to be some sort of gain you're looking for in this whole thing." Hanbin scoffs, "Because there is no way you see her in that light."

His eyes widened at the last statement. 'Everything makes sense now...' At first Jungkook thought that Hanbin was having this conversation with him out of worry for his fellow labelmate, just like Jennie, but after that, the younger was sure that this wasn't just concern. Hanbin didn't just see Jisoo as a friend or a mere labelmate, oh no, he saw her as someone he can be romantically affiliated with. Though Jungkook wasn't going to back down, he is going to let him know that he too feels the same about Jisoo.

Jungkook takes a deep breath as he musters up to the courage. He looks at Hanbin dead in the eye, "You're wrong, Hanbin-ssi." He says, his tone raising, "Because I definitely see her in that light."

Hanbin's eyes widened as he hears the next set of words that escaped Jungkook's mouth.

"I love her. I love Jisoo."


Stay safe everyone :3 Take the lockdown seriously as the virus is no laughing matter. Follow the government and stay indoors. In this pandemic, the poor are having it worst due to the lack of supplies and lack of money, so please stay inside so that everything can go back to normal. I'll see ya'll again in the next update ^^

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