41 | the biggest collaboration

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Jisoo lets out a long sigh. With a cup of lukewarm coffee in her hand, she takes a measly sip, slightly grimacing as the bitter liquid runs down her throat. Her weary eyes stare blankly at the horizon, feeling the crisp cold wind brushing gently against her face. As she continues to look over at the sunrise from her bedroom window, her phone lets out a soft chime, breaking the tranquil atmosphere in the room. She glances at the phone that rested atop the cream-colored nightstand.

She walks over, placing her mug gently onto the nightstand before picking up the device. Jisoo's pointer finger hovers over the dark screen. She silently pleaded that the notification was from the person she had longed for, but alas, the hope she felt flittered away as she sees 'Hanbin' on the illuminated screen. She smiles grimly before unlocking her cellphone, turning to the 'Messages' app to read the full message.

hey, i know it's like, five something in the morning, but, i just wanted to remind you of the meeting with YG at 9AM.

Jisoo skimmed over through the message before setting down her phone. As much as she appreciates Hanbin trying to start up a conversation during the early hours of daylight, she certainly wasn't in the mood for it as her mind lingers to a certain conversation that happened a month ago. She picks up the mug from her nightstand before striding back to her open window. Yes, it has been a month since she had seen or heard from Jungkook.

Not once had she received a call or a text from him, not after their argument. It was certainly childish of both parties, having to keep their pride instead of lowering it down in order to become the bigger person, but what were they supposed to do when their hearts and minds are fogged with nothing but conflict.

Jisoo had made countless attempts though, after a week without hearing from him, she took action and typed up paragraphs of apologies, trying to justify her actions; but no matter how many times she typed and erased, she knew that it wouldn't be enough. She knew there was no point in justifying the way she acted back then, for she had her own share of faults as well. Thus, this cycle of typing and deleting continued on for almost a month.

She lets out another long sigh before gulping down the last ounce of her now cold coffee. Putting the empty mug aside, Jisoo grimaced. She then looks at the sunrise, its rays starting to decorate the sky. She then noticed how the once empty streets were beginning to be filled with people as the daylight finally shines on the cold concrete. Birds whisked past her window as the dainty amber streaks of the sun began to make its appearance, dancing gently on her face.

As the sun has fully risen, so did the boisterous laughter of the two youngest members from her group. Jisoo didn't mind that the tranquility of her room was trampled on if it meant hearing her beloved friends laughing. She turns around, seeing that Lisa and Chaeyoung had entered her bedroom. Their giggles filled the room, as they looked at Jisoo.

"Unnie" Lisa called out between giggles, "Jennie said it's time to eat!" She chimed gleefully.

"Yeah, she said that we have to get ready for the meeting early since some of us take too long in the shower." Chaeyoung utters, glancing at her long-time bestfriend. Lisa quickly looks at her, faking a offended expression.

"Hey! Long baths are the best, especially when the water's hot." Lisa countered.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes before looking back at Jisoo. "Come on, let's eat."

Jisoo smiles before striding to her two members. Her love life may be in shambles as of now, but she was certainly glad that she has three best friends who look after her.

* * *

The soft whirring of the air conditioner fills the room as Jungkook continues to click away in his computer. No, he wasn't gaming this time; he was practicing his video editing skills. He had gone past the phase where he used video games as an excuse to run away from his problems; he realized along the lines of talking to Tzuyu and hanging out with his hyungs that he was slowly losing his touch on his other hobbies. It had been a month since he had last heard from Jisoo. The guilt and regret was still lingering in the pit of his stomach, however, chooses to ignore it. He is aware that he can't run away from it forever, he'll eventually come to his senses.

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