36 | playing with fire

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Despite promising himself that he would be prepared for whatever scandal comes to him, but he couldn't help but feel the shock once it reached the news outlets. Jungkook could still remember how his gut churned as he hears the monotonous voice of the newscaster reporting the scandal meticulously. He knew he would be treading into dangerous waters, but never did he expect it to be so soon. The young male ran his fingers through his brown hair as he scrolls through Naver, looking at the articles that were released hours ago.

'[BREAKING!] BTS' Jungkook and BLACKPINK's Jisoo were fake dating all along?'

'Sasaeng says Jungkook and Jisoo aren't dating at all.'

'YG Entertainment and BigHit Entertainment continue to remain silent over scandal.'

'Jungkook and Jisoo: Fabricated Love'

He cringed as he reads through some of the articles; nothing but baseless rumors. Even the original article created by the sasaeng had no picture attachment or voice recording of any sort to support the idea of the whole 'fake dating' thing, but some journalists really just had to hop in for the clicks. Jungkook exits the app, deciding that he could no longer take the negativity. He then lets out a tired sigh before laying down on his bed, body facing the ceiling.

He hadn't heard from Jisoo yet, and he was starting to become anxious. What if she didn't want this anymore? What if she is being forced to break up with him at this very moment? He didn't know what to do. The latter was too caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't hear Taehyung intruding. The light brown haired male peeks into the room, seeing the younger laying on his bed.

"Jungkook-ah." Taehyung called out, letting himself in as he closes the door. No response came out of the younger, so he advanced closer and sat on the edge of his bed, "Jungkook-ah, are you okay?"

The soft bounce interrupted Jungkook's train of thoughts. He glanced at Taehyung, seeing that the older carried a worried expression on his face. The younger sighs and lets out a grunt, "No."

It was silent then. Taehyung fiddled with his fingers, thinking of what he was going to say next. The younger clearly wasn't in the best mind set right now and would probably say something harsh if he were to ask about how he was going to deal with the situation. This was all too stressful to Jungkook.

"I see..." Taehyung began, pressing his lips into a thin line before exhaling, "Then why not talk to me about it?"

Jungkook looks at Taehyung, before glancing back at the ceiling. "I don't want to break up with her yet." He utters out, "And I know the company has yet to take action but- damn... I can't help but feel that's what they're going to do."

"Then why don't you talk it out with them?" Taehyung suggests, giving the younger a side glance, "Plus, it's too early to be jumping into conclusions. Bang PD hasn't even called you yet-"

The sudden ringing of the phone cuts off Taehyung. 'Speak of the devil.' Jungkook thought to himself as he checks to see that a message has been sent from their very own CEO. The older noticed the grim expression on Jungkook's face as he reads through the message.

"It's him, isn't it?" Taehyung inquires. The younger responded with a tight-lipped nod before getting off of the bed, "He needs me in his office." Jungkook mumbled, fixing himself. He then gives the male a sideways glance, "I guess I'll see you later, hyung."

Jungkook walks out of the room, leaving Taehyung all alone. The older couldn't help but feel that this scandal was just the tip of the iceberg—perhaps something far worse could come to the younger—but he could only hope that his gut feeling was wrong because, what in the world could get worse than this?

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