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I was sitting in my favourite cafe while eating ice cream. Cafe was bit crowded. Further from me I could see a gang of girls eating some sandwich. Rest all of them were couples. It was actually a normal day. It's how this cafe is always. I am the only one who sits alone in this cafe.

People come for a couple date or friends get together. I come for ice cream and ice cream alone.

It was quite a normal day. If people thought I am weird to be alone in a place known for gathering, I never knew.

Suddenly I heard a loud scream. It was from the group of girls. I realised later that a cockroach had entered the cafe.

Thankfully I was not alone. Cockroach came alone too like me. It didn't come with friends or girlfriend.

Next started the game of relay, in their fit rage of escaping from cockroach they started throwing the cockroach to next girl who threw it to next girl.

As all the girls started shouting even the ones whose turn didn't come in relay game as the waiter came running to see where the sound came from. But breaking the tradition, one of the girls pushed the cockroach to the waiter.

Waiter didn't shout like them. He simply stood as cockroach moved over his body. After sometime he simply caught it and threw it away.

Suddenly cafe was completely silent.
It suddenly made me think. Was cockroach a big threat? If it was a big threat how could waiter handle it effortlessly?

Then I realised, we can't say cockroach was a big threat. It's just a cockroach.

After some thinking ((ice cream melted)) I realised what was the big threat.


It was the fear of cockroach.

Woman feared what the cockroach might do. Waiter didn't have that fear.

People's fear is biggest enemy. Your problems are what you make them to be. Yes, some problems are very big.

Some problems are made to be big.

If you get over your fear, you will know life is not full of problems but small obstacles which is meant to make you stronger.

Take care be safe and stay blessed


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