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"Hello sir, It is a great honour for me in welcoming you sir"

I shook hands with a young girl who welcomed me. Why do they always place young girls in reception?

I am a 26 year old youngster. I don't know why I am famous? I am reputed motivational speaker for gatherings.

Human race has an explanation for everything. We have an explanation for what lies above and below us but we don't know what our own heart wants. We are still clueless about what we want in our life.

I am here to say what they want in their life? I am also going to say how to get it?

After a boring speeches by all the respected persons, I went to them podium, I saw all the faces. Everyone were sleepy. I face this often. In every seminar I give, I see this. These people think it is customary and give these boring speeches.

I stayed silent on the podium for 10 minutes. The respected persons were in panic mode. After another 2 minutes of silence, everyone in the seminar hall were awake discussing about my silence.

I made sure everyone are awake discussing about my silence and I cleared my throat. I said "This seemed easy then I thought. Sorry for my silence, I did that intentionally"

Everyone had a shocked face many were giving me a expression which clearly showed their thoughts. They were clearly thinking If I am crazy?

"There was a wise man who lived in ancient India. He used to say wise thoughts but no one heard his thoughts. One day, he decided to stay silent. People started to beg him to talk. He started speaking very less. When he started to say something, they listened with all their attention"

People started laughing. I knew that I achieved what I wanted to.

I continued "People are more attracted to things they don't get often. Unfortunately, advice is something which we get often. Every one gives you advice"

Everyone nodded in agreement. They know now that this is not a normal advice which is offered freely to them.

"I will give a balloon to each. Fill it with your breath and write your name on it" he saw everyone do it. "Go and drop the balloon inside the adjacent room" everyone did as they were told. The doors to that room was closed.

"How many of you are happy with the world?" he got silence as an answer.

"How many of you lost your happiness?" everyone raised their hand and showed that they lost it,.

"Did anyone try to get it back?"

Everyone nodded their head.

"Did you find it?" Everyone sad that they didn't get it.

Everyone were saying how they lost their happiness. I said after hearing everything "Go to the room and take the balloon with you name written on it. Bring it to me"

Everyone went to the room in a big hurry. People even tried to push others. There was a big commotion inside. Everyone were pushing others to find their respective balloon.

After sometime, I called everyone inside the hall. I asked them "Did any of you find your balloon?"

Everyone shook their head. I went to the centre of stage. I kept my hands inside my shirt pocket.

"This balloon is like your happiness. World is full of happiness. Millions of people live in this earth. It has happiness for everyone. You waste your time searching a single person's happiness in a million's of happiness"

"Someone was trying to push others to get your balloon. Don't hurt others for your happiness"

"Everyone need instant happiness. Just wait for your happiness. Don't feel sad that it didn't come fast. More lately it comes, the more you will cherish"

Everyone are thinking now. I just wanted everyone to think about it. I said "Go to the room. Take a balloon which you reach first. Give to the specific person whose name is written on it"

Everyone went calmly and took a balloon and gave it to the respective person. They came back to the hall with smiles. All of them had balloons.

"If you give happiness to others in the world like you gave a balloon to others now, you will get you happiness in the world"

"If you stay selfish and search you happiness alone then you will stay without any happiness"

Everyone clamped their hands and gave a standing ovation to me.

"I don't want all this claps. I just want you to follow it. Will you follow it for me?

Everyone nodded their head. If half of the people follow it then I will be the happiest guy.

"Thank you friends. Take care be safe and stay blessed. Have a happy life"

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